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(Tommy is 16 years old here, this is during the time [Y/N] was kidnapped)

I sighed.

Everyone was running around in

They were stressed.

All because of this stupid war.

And I feel like it's my fault.

Dream is after my discs and my home.

I sighed again.

Tubbo looked at me worriedly

„Are you okay Tommy? You look stressed"

„I'm fine Tubs, just nervous about the upcoming fight"

„You sure big man?" Tubbo sat next to me and looked at me.

„I'm sure" I smiled at him

He gave me a warm smile back.

He's my best friend.

Well not exactly.

He's like my brother.

Even though he's older than me, it feels like he's the You her brother I have to protect.

With his small bee plush hanging from his pants and the flower in his hair, he looks was younger than he is, yet he looks old at the same time.

Young and old in one small and fragile body with a strong mind.

That's the best way to describe him.

Something that bothers me is that he always is the one saving me, not me.

I want to protect him, save him and take care of him, but he's the one doing that for me.

I am just there.

I don't do anything.

I cause problems,

I am a problem for everyone.

Tears were running down my face without me noticing it until Tubbo hugged me.

„It's okay big man. We care about you, everything will be fine." he smiles

I buried my face into him and hugged back.

He gently rubbed my back „trust me, everything is going to work out. The Pogtopia people will get their friend back and we will have a peaceful life in
L'Manberg, I promise."

„Thank you...." I whispered, he probably didn't hear it.

That's fine though.

He knows that I'm thankful for having him as my friend.

He knows that I will never leave him, and he won't leave me either.

A/N: ayyy an wholesome-sad chapter!

Have a great day/night!

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