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There was once an ambitious but hardworking boy in the country of Maran. He grew up in a farm, laboured for his living, and rarely relied on alms or virtues of others.

When he had enough money to travel, he was many years past his prime. He decided to enlist with his kingdom's order of elite knights as was his lifelong dream to be. He went to his King and proclaimed: "My lord, I wish to serve you forever. All my body, soul and mind shall be devoted to you and all those you consider your allies."

However, the King, when he saw how thinly framed and how lined the farmer's face was, hesitated to recruit him. Nontheless, they were in an era of peace so there was hardly need for additional soldiers.

His King directed him to another kingdom, in which its present king was an ally.

But also, this king had no desire for soldiers. The farmer was once again pushed on to another country.

The farmer traversed throughout the country, but all the allied kings had no need of him. As he began to lose hope, one king pointed to a country opposite of Maran. This country was called Judah, and though Maran and Judah were once enemies, for many years they remained in an impasse.

Unfortunately, no king in Judah had want for any men either. War and bitterness had been put away for the moment, and no king dared to risk otherwise. The current period of peace was cherished by all.

The farmer only dreamed to serve a king, regardless for matters of war or general labour, but none would have him. They saw his age and build and deemed him immediately unworthy.

An old king in Judah was curious of the farmer's determination and divulged to him a forgotten country: a kingdom enshrouded by myths with only one kingdom and one king.

Tired and losing faith in his abilities, the farmer trudged quietly to find the king of this mysterious kingdom. Along the way, he saw no people in the kingdom, none that were starving nor rejoicing, nor crowing their wares nor huddling together for warmth. Standing tall was only a single, black castle and on his way to the antechamber, he met nothing but shadowy apparitions.

The farmer dropped to his knees before the throne, feeling drained of all his previous devotions, and swore without much fervour his previous proclamation, to "serve forever and devote my entirety to you".

The king, who wielded a sceptre that brought light to their surroundings, saw how tired the farmer was. The light within the sceptre swirled, and the farmer felt relieved of all his troubles. The king bade him to come when he was more than well-rested.

Since then, a black-armoured knight has been sighted among the most gruesome of battlefields. Although seemingly like a wraith who may disappear from a wind's blow, this knight had unflinchingly slaughtered all who stood in his way. "For my King," the black knight had been reported to say.

Those who encountered him, never lived to see the light of another day.

Based on a stick-figure sketch I made long ago. The story could never leave my mind.

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