Chapter 6 - The Price of Power

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***Note to ONC judges: it is in this chapter that I surpass the 8.000 words, and I have marked the last word of the sentence where I pass this wordcount in bold, should you want to stop reading there.***

The islanders are long gone by the time Norae and Mateo take a step back from each other. Clearing her throat, Norae tears her eyes away from him, wondering if it's just the tropical temperate warming her cheeks, or something else entirely.

"Did you go swimming?" Mateo inquires suddenly.

Glancing down at herself, she almost forgot her clothes are still soaking wet. "Don't ask..."

Giving her a confused look, Mateo lets it go as he steps back out into the clearing. "Well, the mountain's this way. Let's move."

Norae abandons the shadow of the tree as well, and is hit directly by the blinding sun as she hesitantly follows Mateo further out of the jungle. They soon realize that the only thing lying between them and their destination is a wide open field. The further they move out of cover, the less safe Norae feels. "I don't like this. Those islanders could spot us from miles away out here."

"I know, but we don't have much of a choice. Unless you wanna take a detour around half the island." Mateo estimates as he makes a gesturing sweep with his arm towards the land on their left.

"It just feels like this whole place is one giant trap." Norae shares, looking down at the high grass as it tickles her legs.

"It's not a trap... it's an experiment." Mateo resolves, looking back at Norae as her eyes hold his expectantly, awaiting his explanation. "It's pretty obvious when you look at everything that's happening. The mysterious puncture wounds, the training, the whole 'we're gonna turn you into super soldiers' pitch. It's like we're lab rats, and whatever this 'gift' is that the lieutenant talked about, it's at the center of what they're trying to achieve."

Her eyes glued to the ground, Norae frowns as she considers her altercation with the islander. How she was able to overpower him. The unexplainable strength she felt. Should I tell Mateo about it?

About to open her mouth, words at the tip of her tongue, her voice falls flat as they arrive at the foot of the mountain. Gazing up at the at least 30 foot high cliff wall, Norae feels a little dizzy. Mateo grabs hold of the end of a rope, dangling from multiple hooks embedded into the rock. "Well, it's clear what they want us to do here." He assesses.

About to set off, one foot already placed against the cliff, Mateo glances over his shoulder. "You coming?"

Biting nervously on her lip, Norae looks up at the challenge before her once more, her heart dropping as fear freezes her limbs. "I don't know if I can do this. I don't do heights so well..."

Something in Mateo's deep brown eyes softens as he considers. Then, it appears, he reaches a conclusion as a confident smile shapes his face. "Don't worry," He begins, as he raises his left arm to draw attention to his tattoo, "I've got a feeling this climb is gonna be a breeze for us."

Pushing himself off the ground, Mateo begins to ascend as he leaves Norae to grasp what he meant. Stepping up to the cliff wall, Norae takes hold of one of the other ropes as she feels Mateo's words inspire confidence. His thinly disguised tip-off was not lost on her. He knows. He's felt it too.

It becomes clear as soon as Norae start climbing that Mateo's prediction rings true. Her grip on the rope remains steady, the newfound strength in her arms doing the work for her as if she's done this many times before. A few steps ahead, Mateo scales the wall with ease, racing to the top with agile jumps. Norae keeps her focus on him as she follows, reminding herself constantly not to look down.

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