Chapter 7 - The Hunt

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Another sleepless night has come and passed. In the early morning light, Norae saunters over to Shane's room. Mikayla is already there, leaning nervously against the windowpane as she stares out over the endless water. Shane's positioned on the bed, sipping the coffee she fetched from the mess hall, still relatively calm under the circumstances. Norae observes her peaceful demeanor with astonishment. I don't know what's keeping her so chill, but I want some.

"Morning." Norae begins as she closes the door behind her. "How'd you guys sleep?"

Puzzled, Mikayla takes a step forward. "Norae, why did you ask us h...?" Mikayla's question trails off as she watches Norae raise an index finger to her mouth, pointing up at the camera above her with the other.

"Shane, do you have a minute to show me how you did your hair like that yesterday? I really liked it."

Eyebrows knitting as she looks up from the mug in her hand, Shane nods slowly. "Eh, sure..."

"Great!" Norae replies quickly, signaling towards the bathroom. "Let's go into the bathroom, there's better light in there." And no cameras.

Herding the girls into the adjacent room, Norae pulls the door shut tightly, turning around to meet two confused faces. "We don't know if they're watching. And I don't want them to hear what I have to say."

"What exactly do you have to say?" Shane asks.

"What happened last night was the final straw. Especially after what Nash told us." Norae asserts, her voice a mere whisper as ever-growing paranoia takes hold. "I don't trust the situation, and frankly, I'm done being a prisoner. I wanna find out what's going on."

"You don't think those videos in Dr. Carvel's broadcast were real?" Mikayla concludes.

"There's no way to know for sure. Not as long as she keeps us cooped up in here."

"So how do you suggest we find the truth?" Shane inquires.

"Tonight, after the training, we start investigating. We search this ship, and we find where Dr. Carvel is."

Exchanging glances, Shane and Mikayla consider. "Do you want to get the guys in on this?" Shane finally asks.

"We'll draw too much attention in a large group. Besides, I don't know if we can trust them." Norae decides.

"How do you know if you can trust us?" Mikayla challenges her.

Surprised by Mikayla's candor, Norae considers, finally deciding to meet honesty with honesty. "I guess I don't... But I'm choosing to."

Looks are exchanged, individual minds growing determined. Until the girls finally nod in agreement. "Alright," Shane resolves, "Let's do it."

Fearful of what lies ahead of her, Norae's eyes remain closed. Part of her isn't ready to face The Grounds again. Not this soon.

Her hands reaching down slowly, she pushes her fingers into the wet dirt. Drops of water spill down her face, the air thick with the scent of rain. Her back is pushed into something rough and hard, anchoring her to the spot as she lingers. Come on.

The world around her is quiet, waiting, hiding in the shadows until she chooses to engage. Come on.

A cold chill seeps down her spine, the wind taunting her, attempting to coax her out. Come on!

A final push and her eyes flick open, quick to identify the forest around her. As she grips the tree she was leaning against, she pulls herself up as her boots sink into the mud.

I'm alone.

Peering out into the night, she searches for signs of life, for familiar faces, to no avail. Confused, she takes a step forward, reaching for the lantern that's sitting on the ground next to her. Her only source of light in absolute darkness.

Her heart hammers against her ribcage in rapid and panicked pulses, jumping into her throat when Lt. Brass makes himself known.

"Today, initiates, we're going to do things a little differently." His voice is low and gruff in Norae's ear as she reaches for her earpiece. "Usually we'd encourage teamwork, for you to rely on each other and help each other. But not today. Today, you will find no enemies in this forest, only each other. When only one of you is left standing, the training will be over. Good luck."

Her breath caught in her throat, Norae pushes herself back into the sturdy tree trunk, her eyes flashing across her immediate vicinity. This is bad.

In this dark and creepy forest, pinned against her unit members, some of them much stronger than her, Norae feels instantly defeated. Looking down at the lantern in her hand, she realizes something. If I'm gonna have any chance at all to survive, I need to be smart.

With a simple click, the forest is resigned to the shadows, all light smothered from Norae's surroundings. As she waits for her eyes to adjust, she holds her breath, intently listening for any hint of movement. But there's nothing but downpour within earshot.

I need to find my bearings.

Quiet as a mouse, she begins to sneak through the trees, keeping to the shadows as she manages to see more and more of the forest. Making sure to avoid sticks on the ground, to not shake any bushes, and to breathe slowly and quietly, she proceeds in complete silence.

Soon, she comes to a field, spotting faint light in the distance. Another initiate?

She sticks to the tree line, certain that no good can come from open spaces. And as she grows closer to the light source, she realizes it's not one of her unfortunate opponents. It's a cabin.

Hesitant, her mind recalls many a nights watching horror movies that start out just like this. But simultaneously, she remembers what Nash said. Explore your surroundings, you never know what you'll find.

Inside that cabin she could find her end. But she could also find something that would help her survive. She decides to take a chance.

While she may be taking a risk here, she still makes sure to be as cautious as possible. Checking every window before even coming close to the door, she finds the cabin seemingly vacated. Gently pushing aside the rotted piece of oak that separates her from the indoors, the rusted hinges release the slightest creak. Gritting her teeth nervously, Norae freezes, waiting as she anticipates an ambush.


She identifies the source of the light, a small fire crackling in the fireplace. The warmth exuding from it is inviting, but Norae's paranoia keeps her at a safe distance. Fear brings focus, and Norae quickly moves to the kitchen, carefully opening a random drawer with only one thing on her mind. A weapon.

Most of the drawers and cabinets come up empty, until finally she checks under the sink. A twinkle of hope in her eye, she beholds the small steak knife lying before her. She's about to reach for it when she hears the floorboards behind her crack.

Veering around, she is met by a pair of hands lunging for her neck as a figure dives on top of her. Messy blonde hair is an immediate tip-off. Shane.

As delicate fingers find a grip around her neck, Norae desperately stretches out towards the steak knife, just barely touching the edge of the handle. Feeling her throat being closed off, she marvels over the sheer strength coming from this petite female. All thanks to Dr. Carvel's gift, no doubt.

But through the locks of blonde hair, Norae can still see Shane's pained expression. "I'm sorry." Shane utters, her voice quivering.

Gasping for air, Norae extends her arm a final inch.

And with a swift jab, she watches Shane's expression change. Her grip loosens, until she finally sinks to the ground next to Norae, the steak knife protruding from her stomach.

Coughing loudly, Norae scrambles to her knees, feeling air burns its way through her sore throat. Her eyes watering, she watches Shane evaporate, leaving behind the bloody steak knife. 

As she gently wraps her hand around it, her skin is stained red.

"I'm sorry too."

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