two || the frost

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two || the frost

We live in a world where we are defined and judged, because of how we look or what we do. We live in fear of being mistreated and hurt. The truth is, we are all hurting. We all have scars. Inner and outer. It doesn't matter how deep they are, just that they have marked. Skin may be weak, but the power you hold in your soul can overcome anything. We will fight against the standards of society, we will fight against social barriers. We refuse to be judged and defined based on what we did or how we look. We embrace our differences. The way it's suppose to be.

There was a time when I earned for school to come. Those days were like volcanoes that were waiting to burst, break free from it's binds, and become who it truly is. It held an importance I cannot even describe. It was a different world that I could enter and explore. Though, over the years, the importance that was once present began to diminish. Hours become days and days become years. It became something I had to do, instead of something I enjoyed doing. The loud hallways used to bring joy into this dreary town. But lately, nothing was worth a smile anymore. The bright colors that used to lighten up my mood became faded and the happiness that lined the campus became nothing but dust. It held no effect over me anymore.

The hallways were littered with students in every angle. Chattering and laughter rang throughout the school. I was almost at my first class when I heard an irritatingly familiar voice pause me in my tracks. Turning around I see Jasper swinging her hands frantically in the hair to signal her arrival. As soon as she reached me she bumped me on my shoulder with her fist and beamed. I smiled widely knowing that there was a reason to save hope for this institute. Heads almost immediately turn in our direction as her loud yells stood out from the noise.

"Seriously, Jas? Could you draw any more attention to us? You do understand that I am trying my very hardest to get through this school year. Ugh. Did I ever tell you how much I hate high school?" I was teasing and she knew it. I loved her loud outgoing stance. It blew the darkness the right direction. She smiled coyly at me and flipped her brown hair over her shoulder. "Don't worry Red, they can go fuck themselves." I rolled my eyes. "I'm just really excited, because were finally starting high school. I don't have to have a fight with my brother about who gets the empty room. Now that I'm no longer a tween, I have a right to put up a fight for it." When we reached the lockers, she leaned against it and smirked, "Ah come on Red, were fifteen, live a little, have fun. You don't always have to follow your grandmother's rules you know? We're going to grow up sooner or later. "

Grabbing my books and taking off to the direction of class, I gave her a pointed look with my eyes. "Jas, I understand where your coming from. With four brothers and you being the only girl, I can see that you want freedom, but it's just that it's only me and my grandmother. I was raised with her rules and her keys for responsibility and I'm not willing to break that. Maybe one day, just not now."I knew that Jasper was irritated with the enforcements that my grandmother had set on me, but it was just something I got used to. It would feel wrong to suddenly do something else. Turning the corner I felt a sharp hit against my right shoulder making me drop my books. Jason Bridge, smirked down at me as the mirth shined in his eyes.

"Sorry, toots, looks like your backs going to need a little workout huh?" He shrugged his shoulders in a non caring manner, wrapped his arm around Kasey Edwards and continued by shoving his tongue in her mouth. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her body into his. Jasper appeared in front of me with my books in her hands staring at them with disgust in her features.

"Ugh, I didn't know this school accepted pigs. I thought they made a mark in barns rolling around in their own filth while waiting to be fried." But Bridge and Edwards were already too far away to hear the insult, so Jasper just pushed me forward and continued us towards English. "I ought to hurt him for hurting you."

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