Nightmares (Part 2)

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"You bitch!" I hear Lauren say. We were at the beach and somehow the girls drowned. "It's your fault they drowned" she snapped "if you didn't even mention the beach we wouldn't have been in this mess!" She yelled holding the collar of my shirt lifting me off the ground. "I should just give. you. up." She said slowly making me tear up already. I struggled a bit because I couldn't breath. "There is no use Melody" I hear a man's voice say I looked and saw an unfamiliar man staring at me. Every time a different man shows up. "You can't run it will one make you mother hate you even more" he said and I looked at Lauren. Her face turned red of anger. I started to freak out and shakes. I was terrified of Lauren. "I will find you Melody one way or another" she said with an evil smirk in his face as I zoned out to reality.

I jumped up from the bed standing on my two tiny legs. "What's wrong Mel?" I hear Ally ask, I've been sleeping with the other girls lately but it only makes it worse. "I-I-I h-had a n-n-night-mare a-a-again" I stuttered as I sat back down. I only told Ally that I was getting nightmares recently and I told her what happened in it. I felt arms holding me at my side "it's okay Mel it was only a dream go back to sleep" she cooed and I obeyed not wanting to bother her anymore.

Ally POV

*9 am*

Mel is still asleep she's been having nightmares for about a week now and I think it's bothering her a lot. I walked out of the kitchen seeing the girls on the couch watching tv. I turned the tv off "ALLY WE WERE WATCHING THAT!" They all yelled, "calm down I need to speak to you guys about Melody" I told them and they all nodded.

I took a small couch and moved it in front of them. I sat on the chair and watched their worried faces. "So about Melody she's been having nightmares lately and I think it's bothering her like it's too realistic" I told them "so your saying we have to go up to her and ask her about her nightmares?" Dinah asked and I shook my head.

"Guys this might be bad we need to talk to her I'm getting really worried because my baby girl ditched me for Ally" Lauren said making us laugh. The noise died down and we decided to wait for her to come down.

Melody POV

Where am I? Why am I and the girls at the airport? Lauren was holding my hand as we were boarding a plane. Camila ran to her seat and buckled herself. Lauren sat down in the middle and patter on the open seat next to her. I got on the seat and she buckled me up after she buckled herself up. I heard a radio thing saying we are about to take off. Then the plane started to move, I freaked out and everyone looked at us. I looked behind me and saw LUIS FROM FREAKING ONE DIRECTION wooooow why is he in the plane? I saw him looking at me with a HUGE smirk in his face. I was staring at him for quite a while until someone nudged me making me wake up from my thoughts. I looked over to Lauren and she asked me what's wrong "someone over there is smirking at me" I said truthfully and she told me not to worry about it. The plane took off to the sky and my ears closes. I told Lauren about my ears and she gave me a lollipop to suck on. She told me if I suck something my ears will open up again. After about 30 minutes we heard a BOOM I looked to Camila's side and the engine exploded, I looked at Lauren terrified but she was angry. I knew what was gonna happen so I waited for it to happen. 10 minutes later I hear another BOOM and I saw the other engine exploded when the plane fell. Everyone freak out when the pilot told us he cannot fly the plane anymore and we are about to crash. I looked around as everything began to collapse into the plane passed my face. Everything went black. I opened my eyes and climbed out the plane I waited outside and saw Lauren come out to, I tried to talk to her but nothing came out of my mouth. She looked at me and yelled "you bitch!" A tear slipped from my face "this is all your fault!" She yelled and she grabbed the collar of my shirt lifting the 'shaking me' up. "I should have chafed you out of the house the day you came! I should have left you crying under the bed!" She yelled at me. I tried to get out of her grip and then I head someone "there is no use Melody" I hear Luis say. That's the guy from the plane. "She completely hates you now Melody when you wake up I'll get you and you will see how angry she will be at you when I come and hurt you" he said before I zoned out to reality.

I opened my eyes while I jumped out of bed falling on my bum. "Oww" I whined and I noticed Ally left. I got up on my two little feet and ran to the door. I peeked out the door and tears slipped from my eyes because I heard Lauren whine "guys this is serious my baby girl ditched me for Ally" I ran to the stairs and didn't hear anything my peeked my head around the corner and saw the girls sitting in the living room.

I saw Ally sitting across from then and I walked to the door. I wiped my tears when I entered didn't care of the girls saw. "Ally" I said and I heated her telling me to sit on her lap, I sat on her lap and I heated Ally speak "Lauren you and your daughter need to speak alone" she ordered being all motherly and Lauren nodded. Ally sat me on the chair she was sitting in and moved another chair in front of me.

The girls left the room and Lauren sat on the chair in front of me. "Baby what's wrong you seem so scared of me" she said very calm "I-I-I" I said and started sobbing. I never have the courage to tell her it's been like i don't know a week since I talked to her.

"Mel it's okay just tell me I'm getting really worried" she said then I remembered something from my nightmare. "D-Do you know L-Luis from O-One D-Direcrion?" I asked and she told me that they are in a relationship 'aka dating duh she could have told me' I froze when she told me he wants to see me today.

"No" I croaked. She asked me why and I told her about my last nightmare. "He w-was in my n-nightm-mare and he s-said he will h-hurt me" I said through hiccups and she attacked me with a hug. She told me he will not hurt me and I told her about my nightmares but left out the hate part.

"But that's not a nightmare it's just a dream nightmares are scary" she told me but I shook my head "y-you called m-me a b-bitch in it a-and you p-pick me up by t-the c-collar of my s-shirt and say i-it's m-my f-fault t-that t-the g-girls d-d-died and t-then different b-boys came in my n-nightmares telling me t-that they w-will get me and L-Luis said h-he will h-hurt me" I stuttered sobbing right after.

She picked me up and sat me on her lap rocking me telling me sweet nothings in my till I calmed down after 2 minutes. "I-I'm sorry" I told her "baby why are you sorry?" She asked "f-for ignoring you and n-not telling y-you earlier" I told her between sobs "Mel you don't need to say sorry you've been through a lot I'm just a bit sad that you completely ignored me for a week but now I know why so I forgive you" she said and I nodded.

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