- Very well you have to put a crossbow in that girl's locker
says Dolly
- Because?
I ask
- Because if
He says
- But that's wrong
I answer him
- Yeah .. but they have laughed at me and you
- It's true
at patio time
When everyone is out in the yard, I sneak out with Dolly and we prepare him, so that when he opens her it hits her heart and dies.
30 minutes later...
The playground is over and I go to class with my classmates and Dolly in hand, the day goes by very well, and people continue to laugh behind her
At the end of classes, we all collect our things and go out into the hall, the girl opening the locker, is about to leave her books but an arrow pierces her heart,
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
he doesn't have time to scream
everyone in the hall is silent, not expecting it, while Coraline runs out the door and goes home.