Stay Strong( part 2)

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On the car ride there it was pretty quiet. We pulled up to the house, me and mason got out the car.

“Are you ready for this Mason?”

“Yeah but the question is are you ready for this” I had to stop and ask myself this question was I really ready to face them after all this time, well I guess I was about to find out I griped Mason hand and we walked up to the big door and opened it and inside was a huge pack. We saw my brother Byron the alpha come and approach us

“Welcome to our- Annabelle…..” he paused before pulling me into suffocating hug

“Where have you gosh your stupid why would you run away from us like that” then I was surround in a group hug from all of my brothers I pushed them away.

“Now you care? It took me running away from you people for you to care”

“Hey what’s going on in here” Lily Masons ex was there Byron Hugged her into a kiss she didn’t know that he was standing there she put her head down.

“I should have saw that coming with all the time you spent here” Mason said looking at her

“It’s not what you think he’s my mate”

“Lily its fine I don’t care I love someone else” He looked at me and smiled.

“Annabelle what do you mean you know we have always cared about you”

“right” I said with sarcasm Mason Pulled me close and growled at someone that was coming down stairs and my worst nightmares were faced I watched as Kylie came down stairs holding a baby that looked like Gio. He pulled me closer into his chest I didn’t want to look my eyes watered at the sight. Gio looked at mason with nothing but hatred he pushed Mason.

“What are you doing with her” Gio’s eyes were black I looked at Mason worried

“It’s ok Annabe” I held my self together and force the tears back the little girl jumped

from Kylie’s arms and tried to push Gio back she started to fake cry hoping it would stop him and it did.

 “Cute baby” as soon as the words left my mouth she ran to me and held onto my legs she looked up at me with a smile but Maria came told her to go away and that I was hers

“Maria that’s not nice” but she only held on tighter

“Mom could you come get Jordan please” Gio’s mother came in and took the girl from my legs'

“Giovanni you had your sister for 5 minutes and you’re ready to give her back”

“It’s about to get very ugly in here” The woman looked at Mason and smiled she hugged him

“Well look at how big my nephew has gotten I barley recognized you”

“Wait so you and Gio are cousins”

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