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Chapter 10

Are you excited Ani?"

"of course I am, there's a beach!"

"It's a long drive kids, make sure to use the restroom."

Mom leaned against the counter struggling to catch her breath, "Mom let me carry it.."

"No no... i'm okay dear."

Makie and I took our bags to the car , when we got back in the house we saw our mother collapsed onto the floor.


"Laine! Call 911!"

Present time

"about time you woke up"

"Carter, get off of me" He scoffed, "someone's grouchy."

It's hard to hide the fact that I'm not doing well, the dreams have been worse and more constant, but somehow I still manage to cover it.

I remember her smile, her smile made you believe that everything was fine, even when she was in pain. I have her smile...Makie, my brother, had her smile too. I miss them everyday.

King had that look in his eyes while he was on the phone, a look that could kill. He noticed I was awake and hung up the phone while walking back to the car. "They were going to wake you up." I shrugged "I just want to eat."

He slightly smiled before shaking his head and opening my door. He held his hand out for me to take, something he did every time I get out the car.

"What a gentlemen"

He locked his eyes with mine before putting his hand on my lower back, pushing my body towards the restaurant door. I rolled my eyes and let my body go forward.

"She's alive!"

I smiled "Shove it, Keegan" He leaned against the table "only for you Elaine Morgan"

"2 seconds" King scolded, Keegan moved quickly off the table and slummed into his seat, "lame.." he mumbled.

"2 seconds until what?" I looked up at him confused, he winked and stayed silent. 

"So um...Carmelo." Valencia twirled her hair on her finger, "Valen." I threw my hands up in the air.

"What" Carmelo looked between us, "She wants to know if your single."

He looked over at Cell and held out his hand. Imani waved her finger between Cell and Carmelo, "What is that? What are you doing?"

Keegan busted out laughing, "they had a bet, who can get her first and Carmelo didn't even try yet! Cell is trash"

Cell crossed his arms, annoyed, "I just didn't speak to her yet...if I did she would of already been in my bed."


King put his arm around the back of my chair stroking my shoulder, sending chills down my spine.

"Anyway." Cole got up from his seat and pulled his chair next to Imani, "speaking of being in beds, wou-"

"No, negative. Not happening. I want something real, not some gang member fuck boy who doesn't see my value."

He looked at me for help, "She said what she said..." I shrugged laughing, looking down at my menu.

"Don't you worry, I never give up"


After we ate our food we all got went outside to get in our cars.

"Can I please come with you!"

"No." King said coldly before sliding his sunglasses over his eyes.

"Please!" Keegan begged pulling on Kings arm.

"I am going to shoot you if you do not stop touching me."

"Please!" He begged again sliding onto the concrete.

"Get off the fucking ground Keegan."

"Let me come with you then."


"King, let him come." I tilted my head, giving him my best smile

He took a deep, long breath, before rolling his eyes and agreeing.

"I only let him come because of you." He said buckling his seatbelt

"whipped.." Keegan said leaning up into the front seat through the middle counsel.

King sped off from the parking lot causing Keegan to fly to the backseat, smacking all of the luggage.


King smirked, pulling down his sunglasses, looking at Keegan through the mirror.

The effect that King has on me is starting to make me nervous, but I'm glad to know I have an effect on him too.


"How many letters?" Keegan asked




I glanced at him, chuckling at him counting on his fingers," It's blue Keegan"

"I was going to guess that next,"

I sighed and leaned against the door to face King, "so do you think Cole will be able to pull Imani?"

"If she's willing to take a risk." He said staring at the road

"I took a risk."

He looked over at me before looking back at the road.

"If you knew everything that you know now when you first met me, would you still of taken a risk."

I looked away from him and out my window. Would I? He's brought a good amount of problems into my life but he's also the reason that my biggest problem isn't in it anymore. He's brought thrill into my life. Made it feel like it's worth living now.

"Yes." I looked back at him "I would take a risk."

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