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Chapter 13

~Never take the small moments for granted...because sometimes those are the last moments you have. ~


"Well well well look who it is." Valen said sipping her coffee.

"We honestly thought you were dead"

"I'm so glad to know that you'd check on me." I collapsed onto the couch next to King, "good morning beautiful" I smiled laying my legs over his body, "good morning baby" Imani says jumping on top of me.

"Good morning my love"

"She gets a good morning my love but I get legs over my body?" I nod in response before throwing Imanis body onto the floor and leaning on Kings shoulder.

"There's a party again tonight at some plaza place"

"I still have a hang over from the last party." Carter stumbles into the room before tripping over the coffee table, cursing.

"Have you been asleep this whole time?"

He scratched his head before looking at the time, "Oh...I guess I was. Where'd that guy go?"

I chucked, "He left yesterday morning, we all caught him doing his walk of shame."

"Stop it, he was a great guy in many ways."

King held my body while he moved to lay on the couch, I laid on top of his body nuzzling into his chest before falling asleep.


I woke up to the feeling of King rubbing my back, "If Valencia was not your friend, I would of killed her for almost waking you up about some god damn party."

I popped up when I realized it was dark outside, "We are not missing the party, come on bad boy get up, i'll be ready in 15."

I threw on a red dress and black heals before letting brushing my teeth and letting my natural hair fall down my back.

"Okay lets go."

While arriving at the party my stomach turned, something just felt wrong, it's probably the fact that my friends are drinking without me.

"About time you showed up!"

"You're late Elaine!"

"Yes but i'm fashionably late, am I not?"

"Shut up bitch" Carter passed me a shot, "shots for you, shots for you, and shots for you, handsome." He passed a shot to a random guy behind him.

The night was amazing, everyone was dancing and smiling and just happy.

Our happiness was short lived.

"Where'd you go, I lost you there for a second?" He smirked down at me, "Worried about me?" I narrowed my eyes at him before walking away, but as soon as I turned a shot rang out.

King grabbed me by my arm and pulled me behind a wall, "You do not move, understand me."I nodded in fear.

That would be so ironic if I was killed by someone in a red dress...don't ask how, it just is.

"Elaine!" Bray ran over as shots fired centimeters behind him, "Dont bring the fire over here! Where is King?"

"He has it handled, he said he'd kill me if anyone even came near you." I closed my eyes taking in every noise around me, "I think there's someone coming closer."

"How do you know?"

"I listened to every movement for fear it used to be my ex for years. Kinda a mastered talent of mine"

I was right, Bray shot the guy approaching from behind us before he got too close,"Nice talent to have"

And soon the gun fire seized and we were told it was safe, Imani, Valencia, and Carter know about the whole gang stuff, they weren't even scared and said it made the boys even hotter.

I slowly stood from behind the wall and looked for King, I felt a feeling of relief when I saw him step out in front of me.

"Are you hurt?"

"No i'm okay, Bray kept me distracted and kept me safe, everything was fine...King?" I watched as he wobbled on his feet, "King...King what's wrong." He slowly dropped to the ground as I fell with him. " you're okay." I look down and noticed he was shot in the stomach.

"Oh my god." My hands began to shake as tears fell continuously from my eyes. "You're gonna be're gonna be fine, keep your eyes open"

"Someone help!" I said holding back my sobs.

"Elaine.." King said grabbing my trembling hands, "Carmelo! Cell! Help me please.."

"The ambulance is coming Elaine, keep him awake."

"They're coming King, keep your eyes open.."

"Elaine...look at me." I closed my eyes before looking at him, "you're so beautiful, you know that?"

I laughed through my sobs, "King I don't think it's the right time for this."

"Anytime is the right remind you how beautiful you are."

Tears cloud my vision of his face. "You're gonna be okay King..." His eyes slowly began to close, "Elaine.."

"Don't say my name, keep your eyes open.."

"Elaine. Stay strong for me." He said before his eyes closed.


"'ve been here for almost 2 days without food or sleep...we all think it's best if you go back to the house...get some rest, eat, shower and then come back.."

I don't even remember getting into my car and driving home. King would be here with me if I just let us stay at the's my fault...

I let my dress fall from my body and step into the shower, letting the water burn my skin. After washing all the blood off my hands I sat on the shower floor, holding my knees to my chest.

Getting out the shower I stare at myself in the mirror, red marks on my skin from the water.

I change into one of his t-shirts and shorts. I slightly smile while holding the necklace he put around me.

After my shower I went back to the hospital, hours passed as I stared at the clock on the wall feeling completely nothing.

"Family of King Siciliano?"

I quickly stood up from my chair, "I'm sorry, what is your relation to him?"

"I'm his girlfriend" I'm losing my mind.

"I'm sorry but we can only speak to immediate family..."

I closed my eyes for a moment taking a deep breath before opening them again, "If you do not tell me about my boyfriend in 5 fucking seconds, I will have you killed..." Calm down Elaine, "respectfully."

She looked around the room noticing the guns on all the men before looking back at me, terrified, "So he was shot in the stomach three went through and the other two were still in his stomach. We were able to remove the bullets...the rest is all up to him."

I felt my legs give out beneath me as I fell to the floor sobbing. What if he doesn't make it...what if he-

"Elaine...he's gonna survive this. He's a fighter."

Imani sat down on the floor next to me along with everyone else, "Plus he'd never leave you here alone..."

"Ive never seen him look at anyone like he looks at you, except his cars."

I manage to let out a small laugh before laying against the chair behind me, "He's a fighter."

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