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"Madame Pomfrey?" I asked

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"Madame Pomfrey?" I asked.

"Yes, dear?" she smiled weakly, standing beside my hospital bed.

"When can I get out?"

"Until you feel better." she made sure that I knew I was not getting out today.

"Classes are gonna begin soon!" quaked Lily running out with the girls following her.

"I'll get your books and tell you about our homework!" came Lily's voice from the hall, I laughed.

"Thank you!" I yelled. The boys were still in the room leaning on the wall, looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"What?" inquired James, with his hands in his pockets.

"Aren't you guys supposed to be in class?"

"Fine." groaned Sirius. They all left the hospital wing to go to classes, acting all tired and stuff. I mean I was really lucky but I still get homework. I mean I'm like hurt, I don't deserve homework.

It was now lunch time, we have a test today in charms so I let everyone study, and not waste their time with me.

Though it would've been fun.

Like they didn't even beg to stay with me.

What a shame im so fun.

I sat in my hospital bed writing some poems, that was my thing, when I saw someone peek into the hospital wing. I looked up, they walked away. I saw his face, it was Remus.

I placed my book on the side of my bed, and tried standing up.

"Ugh!" I groaned. I tried standing up and I was failing miserably, the pain on my leg was unbearable. I slowly walked to the hall using my left leg, dragging the right, trying to check which way Remus was going.

I tried waking a little more, when I lost my balance. I heard someone run to me, and caught me. I looked up it was Remus. He looked really worried.

"Ow!" I moaned, he lifted me up, and slowly started walking me back to my bed. He made sure I was covered with blankets, with many pillows behind my back. I sat up, facing him.

"Remus.." I mumbled.

"Bella." he replied, i looked up he tried putting a smile on his face but he was sad. I could tell.

"We need to talk." I said.

"No, we don't. You have to rest." he stated, he walked towards the door,


"Bella. No." he demanded.


"You have to rest. Please just rest for me." he responded, opening the door.

"Remus Lupin!!" I yelled, he turned around.

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