𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙥𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧

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"Get your hands off her!!" yelled Sirius, pounding on the door Remus, Peter, and James stood close behind him, looking concerned. Alex stepped away from me and walked over to the boys.

"Well, well, if it isn't Sirius Black, and his buddies Jamesie boy, Moony, and rat man." laughed Alex. I tried getting out of this tight grip but they were too strong.

"Let her go now!" demanded James, anger in his tone.

"We said, NOW!" yelled Remus.

"Ah, Moony.. I wonder why your nickname is Moony."

"Swelyn.." growled Sirius.

"Maybe it's because you like the moon? Or you watch it all night? Or maybe it's because your a monster?" smirked Alex.

"Dont listen to him!" I yelled, to Remus who's expressions dropped.

"Oh, please do. I would love to see you in your wolf form...Moony.."

"Shut up or you will not be happy." hissed James.

"Oh, in your monster form, that dangerous form, you could've killed anyone.." continued Alex.

"That's it!" roared Sirius, but before he could've done anything Remus held him back.

"You guys really thought I wouldn't be surrounded by guys who are older and stronger than you four."

"Five." I hissed, he looked back at me and smirked.

"Your already weak, you are nothing." continued Alex, making me even more furious.

"Bella, is worth more than your entire existence." growled Remus, making me look up at him, shocked indeed.

"You three are pathetic."

"Four." corrected Peter, raising his hand.

"As I was saying, you are no match for me." replied Alex.

"Well, then let's fight and see." said Sirius, taking out his wand.

"Alright, if I win Bella will be mine." he said, Sirius and the boys looked at eachother.

"Deal." continued Sirius, placing his hand out for Alex to shake.

"Excuse me? You guys have no chance." I said, I mean what they're not strong, and they have no chance.

"Will you shut up."

"Little words of support eh!" replied Sirius.

"No Sirius, cause I'm the one held captive here!" I yelled.

"Your also the one in your bra." pointed out Sirius, making the boys look at me and look up.

"She does look very ravishing in it." laughed Alex, causing him to be punched in the face by Sirius It all went crazy after that, and I was eventually let go because Alex's friends had to assist him in fighting the boys. James delivered a powerful punch on a tall boy, knocking him to the ground, but his friend followed up with an even more powerful punch. They were firing sparks and punching the boys, and Sirius, Peter, and Remus were doing very well. As I went to get my shirt which was on the floor I bumped into Remus.

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