Baby Names and Bad Guys

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Amelia's pov

Hank and I got to work early, so I decided to start on my list of baby names. I was writing names down and the definition of the name when a guy came up the stairs and he had a gun. I stood up and he yelled, "SIT DOWN BITCH!" I did what I was told and said, "Hey, man what is your name?" He pointed the gun at me and said, "That is sad Amelia! You don't even remember your best friend from high school?" I looked at him confused and shook my head and said, "James, what is it that you need?" He got closer to me and that's when Hank came out of his office. Once Hank steps out James shoots him and Hank falls to the ground. In that moment I realized that James' back is to me and I take the opportunity and hit him over the head and put hand cuffs on him. I run over to Hank and put pressure on his wound and other cops start to come running up. Trudy comes over to us and calls and ambulance.

*Skip to the hospital*
They rush Hank into surgery and tell me to wait in the waiting room. I have dry blood all over my hands and shirt, but I just sit staring blankly at the chairs in front of me. "Melia, are you there?" I snap out of it when I hear my name and Matt is sitting in front of me and the rest of 51 was around us. I started to cry and Matt hugs me and says, "Hey, Hank is a tough guy and it's going to take more than being shot to get rid of him." I nodded and say, "I haven't heard anything about how he is doing. Also can someone call my teammates to get here. They weren't at work when this happened." At this moment Gabby goes and calls my team and Will comes out and says, "Who's here for Voight?" I stood up, walked to him, and say, "That would be me, Will. How is he?" Will grabbed my hand and said, "He will make it, but he will have to do physical therapy for his left arm, since that's where the bullet hit." I smiled and asked, "Can I go see him?" Will shook his head no and said, "I know you guys work with each other, but only family can visit him." I laughed and said, "Will, I'm pregnant with his child and I married him a few months ago. So I am his family." Will looked shocked and said, "I'll walk you to his room."

*Voight's room*
I knocked and walked into Hank's room. Once he saw me he smiled and I said, "Don't ever scare me like that again." He laughed and said, "I didn't do shit, but got shot. Your the one who was friends with him! What did he even want?" I sat next to Hank on his bed and said, "I have no clue. When he shot you his back was to me, so I hit him over the head and put hand cuffs on him. Then I ran to help you and came here." He pulled me closer and kissed my head and said, "Bitches get stuff done!" I laughed and was about to speak when April walked in and said, "Amelia, Jay is out in the waiting room and needs to talk to you." Hank spoke up and said, "He can come back here because I need to give him my statement on what happened." April nodded and went and got Jay.

Jay knocked and came in. I smiled and said, "What can I do for you?" Jay looked at me sad and said, "James Winston, Will only talk to you Amelia. We all tried and he kept asking for you." I nodded and Hank said, "Absolutely not!" I stopped him from talking more and said, "Hank, you think of baby names and I'll go see what James wants." With that I left with Jay and he drove us to the precinct.

*Back @ the precinct*

I walk into the interrogation room and sit across from James. I start to say, "So, what did you need?" James looked at me, smiled and said, "I want my number 1 back selling drugs and being my girl!" I stood, held my belly, and said, "If you haven't noticed I'm a cop. Oh and I'm four months pregnant. So absolutly not!" He looked at me and said, "I don't care if you are pregnant with another man's baby, you will be mine and you will deal for me." I shook my head no and said, "Well, you will be going to jail for a long time for attempted murder of a cop. I'm done talking to you. Someone will be into being you to booking." I got up and started to leave when James said, "You will regret telling me no and sending me to prison because you love me!" I laughed and turned around and said, "No I won't I love my husband to much and I never loved you. I loved the drugs that you supplied me." After I said that I walked out of the room and headed to my car to go back to the hospital.


I knocked on Hanks door and walked in. Once I entered the room I Trudy and Hank talking. When the both noticed me they stopped talking and Trudy said, "Here sweetheart, you can have my seat." I shook my head no and said, "I'm fine. I've been doing a lot of sitting today." Trudy laughed and said, "Well, I have to get back to work. Get better fast, Hank." With that Trudy left and it was just Hank and I. Hank grabbed my hand and asked, "How did it go with James?" I sighed and said, "Hank I haven't been honesty with you." He sat up a little and said, "What do you mean, honey?" I sat next to him on the bed and said, "James called my desk phone a few times telling me he would do something if I didn't listen to his demands. Now look what happened! I got you shot!" Hank rubbed my back and said, "I'm a little upset that you didn't me about him calling, but in no way any of this is your fault." I smiled and said, "James wants me to be his girl again and to deal for him. He insisted that I still love him and that I'll be back with him in no time. I laughed at him and said that I never loved him, I only loved the drugs you supplied me." Hank laughed and said, "Good! He will be going to jail for a long time and he won't be able to get to us. Let's stop talking about this and get some rest." So, Hank and I laid down on his hospital bed and fell asleep.

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