finally 36

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Few weeks later

Normal P.o.v

"AGH,AGH,AGH Hiccup faster,faster" Astrid moaned as Hiccup was behind her as they were doing a doggy style inside of Hiccups car as their sweat covered the windows as Hiccup kept thrusting with emence force as Astrids palm was visible through Hiccups window as they're breathe was covering the windows "switch" Hiccup said as Astrid sat back into Hiccups chest as Hiccup raised Astrids legs as Astrid wanted to move Hiccups cock into her Butt as Hiccup dropped her slowly as she began raising her up and down as Astrid began masturbating as she let out a few moans here and there as Hiccup grabbed her chin and put her into a force kiss

As Astrid was now moaning inside of Hiccups mouth " I'm close" Astrid said panting after that sentence "wait....not in the car" Hiccup said as he opened the door but they didnt have to worry since they were in the woodsas Hiccup kept rubbing faster and harder till Astrid let out a scream as she came all over the grass and was panting as Hiccup also came inside of Astrids butt as they were both panting as Astrid laid chest on Hiccups chest as they're bodies were sweating "Hic....up it's a bit hot in isnt it" Astrid said as Hiccup pressed a button from the back seat as light air started coming out cooling their bodies

"Thanks" Astrid said with a smile as they were still panting from their Anniversery of when they first fell in love "Astrid I would like to have another child with you" Hiccup said raising her chin catching Astrid off guard "a...another child with me" Astrid said as she looked down and started thinking if she'll have the same baby after the baby is born and if her body does change will Hiccup leave her "well let's have one but till were married" Astrid said kissing Hiccup on the neck as Hiccup moaned in amusement "alrivbg I'll promise will have a child when were married" Hiccup said grabbing a handful of Astrids butt

"What is it with you and my butt" she said as she was booping Hiccups nose as they both smiled "its soft" Hiccup said kissing Astrid on the lips as they remained there talking and having laughs and maybe went for another round

"We should get going" Hiccup said as he grabbed his boxers and his pants as they soon started getting dressed as Hiccup admired Astrids body one more time as she put on her undies and bra as Hiccup put on his shirt and pants as he went to the driver's seat as Astrid slided her hand near Hiccups cock "oh I thought you said you were done" Hiccup said as he looking at Astrid "I maybe but I know that your not" Astrid said as she began unzipping Hiccups pants and moved Hiccups boxers as she put his cock in her mouth

As Hiccup puts his hand behind Astrds head "you know it's dangerous doing this while driving right" Hiccup said smirking as Astrid stopped with a smile "I dont remember a law saying that" Astrid said as she went back to jerking off Hiccup as Hiccup shrugged it off and began driving

"Agh,agh,aaaaaagh" Hiccup said as he almost crashed into someones car as he came all over Astrids mouth as Astrid began sucking him dry as Hiccup grabbed her head and made her take his whole cock inside of her mouth till he let out a breath and let go of Astrid as they were both panting as Hiccup zipped back his pants as they both walked out as Astrid cleaned her mouth the reason why they went back to The Enterprises they needed to take care of Zephyr and later in the afternoon go back home as they went inside and went inside of the Elevator "I just wish we could do this forever before we get old" Astrid said as she grabbed onto Hiccups arm "well I just wish Immortality could be a thing like Wade" Hiccup said with a smile as he surrounded Astrid with his arm over her shoulders

"Yeah but at the same time itll suck" Astrid said thinking about being Immortal "true" Hiccup said as he started typing in the password which was very long "I'm surprised how much of a memory you have" Astrid said looking at Hiccup typing really quick "long memory" Hiccup said as he pressed the last number as they saw Toothless and Stormfly playing with Zephyr as She began giggling as it made them both go aw "good night babe" Hiccup said kissing Astrid in the forehead as Hiccup took off his shirt as he gave the bottle to Zeph and placed her in her crib

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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