Meeting 11

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Hiccup p.o.v

I got smacked to the other side of the room as my back hit a mirror I was in my bosses room after I told him that Stoicks men beat me to the USB but he expected more and hes beating the shit out of me and the reason why I cant fight him back is that hes stronger then me much smarter then me I'm just a little below him but with more training and I could be at his level "like I said boss they beat me to it there were gunman distracting me" I said as I tried and get up "you say that but yet you came back without a scratch" he said as he kicked me in the gut jesus christ

"Ugh they beat me to it as in they already got there before I did" I said talking back as he grabbed me by the next and tossed me to the other side of the office where my head was bleeding "fail me again and it will go worse" Alvin said as I got up and exited out of the office why do I even work here oh right I'm too greedy and if I quit I die ugh whatever but I cant take my mind of Astrid when we were in that closet we actually kissed dont get me wrong Astrid wasnt my first kiss nope when my targets are woman I usually sleep with them

And then I kill them and escape so nothing too bad but I felt like Astrid was diffrent maybe I should kill her and not feel like this but then again she is loving in a sucky life where shes low on rent and everything my life is so confusing

Astrid p.o.v

"Here you go boss" I said as I handed Stoick the drive as he led out a smile "congratulations Astrid here" he said as he handed me my payment with an extra 20.000 dollars I am so grateful "thanks boss" I said as I scanned it with my phone as it teleported into my bank account I then went out

Stoick p.o.v

As Astrid left I knew I had to do something I miss Hiccup I haven't seen him in over 12 years no he cant be working for my arch enemy Alvin hes been brainwashed he had to be I want my son back I lost my wife I wont lose my son I've checked my computer and checked all the evidence we had on Alvin as I found hes phone number as I grabbed my secret phone where it allows me to contact the president but I typed in the numbers as it started ringing

"Yes" I heard a rusty voice as I took in a deep breathe I would do anything for my son to come back or away from Alvin "Alvin" I finally said as I heard a rusty growl it's been awhile since we talked but who could blame us hes bad and I'm good "what do ya want Stoick" Alvin growled my last name I cant belive I'm doing this I pulled out the USB from my hand that Astrid delivered me "I want to make a proposition with the other cooperations" I said in total there are about 6 corporations 3 good and 3 bad

Everytime when one of the companies wants to meet we always have to make a meeting with all 6 of us when we want to switch men or weapons but they also have to keep detail so they could blackmail us later so they could use it for defense but I'm willing to get my son out of harm's way and willing to do anything "really what type of proposal" he said as I could feel myself get more annoyed "I'll tell you at the meeting bring Hiccup with you ill tell the rest to bring their best agents meeting tomorrow at 6" I said as I'm thinking on bringing Astrids team

"Alright I'll warn my members if the company's you'll warn the rest" Alvin said as he hanged up ugh what am I gonna do what am I gonna do I repeat myself in my head I better call Astrid as I call the rest of my company members and friends

Hiccup p.o.v

I was called from my room on a speaker saying that Alvin needed me great just when I was about to eat my belony sandwich I then pack my lunch and began walking to my bosses office "yes boss" I said forgetting that he just hit me good thing I can heal quick "Iccup tomorrow we have a meeting with the rest of the endustries I would like you to he there" he said wow this is the first "as you wish boss" I said slamming my fist on my chest and began walking away great a meeting

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