cover blown 7

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Hiccup p.o.v

I shot my bullet that bounced off a mirror hitting the guy in the back of the head as hes famaly was in the living room as they didnt her the bullet I grabbed my wrist phone yes I have multiple phones this one is on my wrist I then type it's done and sended to my dealer as I saw 5 million transferred into my account "another satisfied customer" I said disassembling my sniper as I saw the shock expression on the newbies "what" I said packing up and heading to the edge of the building

"You just killed that man" the other blonde said  Runnet I think "yeah and that's what Alvin expects you to do we kill people for customers ,and customers brings money and money keeps us safe" I said as I attached the zipline to the building "so are you guys gonna stand there or are you coming" I said as I began going down as the others did as well I land next to my car as I pressed the button as Ashley was coming with me and the door opened automatically I then get in as the others got in their car as Ashley got in and the doors closed I look at her and saw shame in her eyes

"Alright Ashley bring it up what's up with you" I said starting the car and we began driving back at base "how do you do it" she asked do what kill

"You mean kill" I asked probably a dumb question but she then nodded her head "let me tell you something it deosnt get easy but all you can do is go through with it have no emotions no Love no time for happiness once you've gone through that phase it still deosnt get easy every time I sleep I can see all their faces telling me why but even I dont know" I said I got rid of my emotions ever since I was young or left Stoicks company

"Word of advise Ashley dont accept the deals people hire you to kill just accept the mission they want you to spy on someone let me deal with the killing" I said that are young it's already too late for me to go back but they're young they still have a bright future something that could be better then mine

We finally made it back to our base as I parked my car and I guided everyone back to my boss as I pressed the elevator button and we all headed up as I felt these people being upset but it didnt matter to me we then reached to my bosses office and saw him smoking again as he turned and looked at us "so mission complete" He said as I nodded

"Good now that you people know what I'm expecting go to your courtiers I'll have a mission for ya'll people soon" he said as he dismissed us as I began leading them to their head courtiers as I showed them all witha retractable bed along side a tv from the inside  "Mike that's your room along side Ellios" I said as they both walked in and saw a fridge filled with snacks of protein and left them there I then took Runnet and Hendra to their courters as they also have to share a room but Ashley heh she has her own room I'm not falling for her is that we only have limited rooms

"Count yourself lucky Ashley you get to have your own room" I said typing in the code and opening the door as she saw the inside since it looked alot like the other rooms "sleep tight I'll wake y'all up in the morning" I said as I began leaving and she began entering her room

Astrid p.o.v

"Guys can you hear me" I whispered into my earpiece as I waited for the others but I then hear crunching "dont worry....princess....I'm here" great Snotlout why are you eating those chips so late at night I squeeze my nose as I waited for the girls "hey Astrid were here well now we know who own a place like this" Heather said I'll say this room probably cost more then my apartment I look around and saw the bed it had a TV on it but I cant focus on that I have to focus on the mission I need to find the vile "guys we need to find a Vile" I said

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