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I finished my day, I didn't know what stuff I did. After learning the lesson of my first dream I only wished to be on my bed as I'm right now.
I'm here looking at the ceiling waiting for falling asleep but I can't do that.

I've rolling on my bed for the last 20 minutes. I wanna see him, I'm excited to see him and explain to him my lesson. I got up when I realized that sleeping is almost impossible in this moment. I went for a glass of water. I drank it and I went back to sleep. I reflected on my last night's dream "what am I gonna tell him?, Wich should be my first words when I see him? " I relaxed my whole body and my mind, only through this way, I'll fall asleep rapidly. I started felling the disconnection between my mind and my reality.


I was out of the cave. I moved on quickly, I did know the way I must follow.

I ran untill I saw him waiting for me while he was playing with something between his fingers. He looked almost perfect, I had to look away not to see him and feel myself attracted.

—I know what you wanted to show me. The power of reading —I told him out of the blue without greeting him.

Thousands of lights turned on.

—Welcome to your second travel. I'm glad to see you... Once again.. I believed you wouldn't discover the learning of your first key.

—Well, you've seen you was wrong.

—To tell the truth I feel good knowing I was wrong.

—Are you a normal man?

He laughed —No... To be honest, I'm not. Anyways, tell me, What did you learn of yesterday?

—Excuse me? I'm here to sett off again. Nothing else. I've already told you what I learned.

—Can you imagine if the whole world doesn't reflect on their problems. I'm gonna request you again... Tell me What did you learn of last night's dream?

I sighed heavily —If I wanna get out of my daily routine, my problems, my job... I only need to choose a good book and immerse myself in the story. I can travel without spending any coin. Is there something else more important and effective that reading? —. I said with the lost sight.

He clapped and didn't say anything. I crossed my arms. The silence took over.

—If only, I wasn't wasting my time  in this play — I said low but he achieved to hear my words.

—What did you say?!!

I widened my eyes, he turned into another person, now he was angry.

—I meant...

—Don't say anymore!! —He walked to his desk and took the same coffer off. He came to me — look at this! —He showed me another key between his fingers —. I have the right key for our journey, thanks to your complain. Come with me!!

I followed him. It's incredible how my words changed today's journey. He searched for the right door, he opened it slowly, I was starting to hate how he made me feel a lot of emotions at the same time.

I came into the new room. He gazed me, I was seeking for his approbation through his eyes but he seemed to be angry. I started looking at everything. The lights turned on when I came into the room. My eyes widened again when I saw it.
I was in front of one of the 7 wonders of the world. The statue of Zeus.

I turned around to see the man who was accompanying me in these journeys.

—What's it?! —. I cried out.

—Hold your horses dear Yi-Soo. Welcome to your second station, your second learning... The most important thing here is time. You'll learn how not to waste your time —. He made fun of the words I'd said before.

I walked off him.

—Hang on!! —. He yelled at me —I haven't finished with you. Tell me,  What will you do if you have to spend the rest of your life here?

His question perplexed me.

—I don't know...—. I said bemused.

—Find it out! No cellphone, no friends, no people... What will you have built with your time? You'll decide if you spend or waste your time —. He winked at me and after he went.

I turned around to see the statue, I was amazed because of it. I sat down in front of the statue... It was amazingly big, I'd only seen this wonder in books.

I thought about his words, he'll come back for me and I'll have made something with this time. I got up and started searching for something I could do.

"Who said I can't be another wonder" I watched the place around me.

There were different types of flowers, another of my skills was to design almost anything. I remembered when l was a child I loved the idea to design dressed for women who appeared on TV... But... Anyways, it idea crudded my mind when I was a child.

I plucked many flowers until I believed I'd had enough of these flowers. I chose the bush beside the statue, I started making the form of a woman's body, I decorated everything even the feet of Zeus when I finished, I realized I'd created a paradise for me and for him. I'd built a perfect figure, if only people could see the figure beside him, they'd think she was one of his daughters. Nobody knows what roll played in their passed lives.

I heard steps behind me, I turned back, that man of my dreams was here again... He clapped. He gazed me proudly.

—It's perfect!!

—Do you believe it? —. I asked knowing the truth. I only wanted to feed my ego.

—Don't be a selfish person

—Can I know what should I learn from this journey?

—Your time is done. Tomorrow you'll understand everything.

—What's the name of this place?

—This place is called time, you were alone, you didn't need a cellphone or friends to create this —. He pointed my figure —you only need your own creativity, you have a powerful mind. Why this place? Because this place has everything to increase your creativity. Do you know what is that? That's inspiration. Who hasn't dreamed about being here and see at least one of the 7 wonders? You saw it and you decided to be another one.

I was speechless, I couldn't say anything. He asked my hand, I extended it to him, he put another piece of my future brazalete. He smiled and darkness arrived


I got up before my alarm went off, I realized I had the second piece on my hand. He was real, I'm gonna see him again.

 He was real, I'm gonna see him again

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