2: Frying It Like An Omelette

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Willow's POV *24*

I grabbed an energy drink. That's it, I thought, Sleeping isn't for me. Never again.

4:37 read the time. To be honest, I didn't need  to sleep. It was just something I did to pass time. The serums they had injected me up with gave me extra energy, which could be easily replenished with an energy source. This meant that just a dash of caffeine, is the equivalent to a normal human drinking 100 times that. Although normal humans - puny little things - would die from heart attacks or type 2 diabetes at that point.

A cracking sound in the sky outside made me wander over to my blinds and push the vanes apart with my fingers. A flash of lighting moved across the horizon, before diving down towards the ground. The impact caused the plates in my cupboard to rattle. Huh, I thought what's the God of Thunder doing out past his bedtime. I wondered. Just a few seconds later, the God's small frame was yeeted back into the sky. Measly God, I thought.

I frowned nonetheless, and switched on the news.

"-live footage streamed from civilians' devices." The video showed a smaller, more red version of what otherwise looked like the hulk, slamming his fist into a car. Captain America and Black Widow were there too, and I assumed that Thor was as well, before he got catapulted back into space. Dr Bruce Banner stood, not to far away. The video was captioned: 'New Hulk terrorises streets,' 

I rolled my eyes. Where the hell was Iron Man? He can carry a nuclear bomb through a portal but he can't throw a few punches at a mutt in the streets? And why was Banner not green yet? He could stomp on that thing if he wanted.

"I guess it's showtime," I said to myself, grabbing my baseball bat and my gear. I clenched my fist, watching it glow blue, before running towards the chaos. 

I watched as Thor returned from his trip to the moon and brought down lightning with him. Why was Thor the only one doing anything about this? I noticed police cars whizz past as I ran down the streets, and a chopper appear over head. 

I reached the crowds of people watching from afar, and tapped a boy on the shoulder. "What's going on here?"

"That's Crucis," he said, pointing to the big red thing.

"Where does he come from?" I asked.

"Nobody really knows for sure, but some people think Hydra made him," he said. I shivered at the name. "Want an ice pop?" he asked. 

"No thanks. Why aren't The Avengers doing anything?"

"Apparently the hulk doesn't want to come out. Cap and Black Widow have been helping civilians. Thor said he'd handle it, but between you and me, I don't think he's got this,"

"Thanks for your help," I said, before pushing through the group. 

"Hey wait, where are you going? You're going to get hurt," The boy called after me.

I picked up a jog, which turned into a sprint before I got closer, and leaped into the air. I charged up my hands, and slammed my baseball bat vertically into the beast's back, crying out. My energy flowed through the bat, and into the thing, frying it like an omelette. 

It fell to the floor, groaning, and I hopped off his back, repeatedly whacking him in the head with my bat until he was finished. 

I sighed, and brushed off my trousers, before looking around me, at all the star-struck people. I walked over to Thor, Captain America, Bruce Banner, and Black Widow.

"What's wrong with you guys? Why couldn't the almighty avengers handle a simple rodent?" I asked.

"Who are you?" Romanoff asked, almost in awe.

"Before you start the meet and greet, I want to know exactly why you were risking all of these people's lives and playing hide and seek with a monster," I looked to Cap. "Shield broken?" I looked to Natasha. "Tired?" I looked to Bruce. "And what the fuck happened to Hulk? Aren't you supposed to be ready to smash when stuff like this happens?" I looked to Thor. "And you, I appreciate that you were the only one attempting to take that thing down, but God of Thunder?  More like Puny-Man-That-Can-Move-Electricity-Sometimes." he frowned. "What happened to you? What happened to the avengers that saved New York - and the world."

Bruce sighed. "As for me, Hulk doesn't want to come out. Hydra formed that thing the same way I was formed, and Hulk doesn't want anything to do with it," he explained. 

I raised an eyebrow. "So it's true,"

"What?" Cap asked.

"Hydra are back," I stated.

Thor nodded. "Yep, and this is their first piece of extra-credit work," he said. 

Cap sighed. "We are currently under the control of the United Nations. We signed a set of accords and now they have explosives in our necks, and we are only allowed to do as they say,"

Black Widow added. "It was their plan of action to let Thor go first, starting with minor attacks to prevent damage of environment,"I began to laugh. 

"If you could fill me in on what's so funny, I could laugh with you," Thor said.

"Let me get this straight, you have a scientist here, with seven phds, but you can't figure out how to remove an explosive? And even better, you let someone put an explosive inside you?" I asked.

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "Why, have you tried it before? They have eyes and ears everywhere, and we already signed the accords,"

"I have had multiple explosives in my neck before. But each and every one has been removed." I turned, beginning to walk away. 

"Wait!" Natasha called after me. "Help us,"

I halted. "Remove the explosives? What's in it for me?"

"If you want to, you can do that, but I was referring to stopping Hydra," she elaborated. "We could really use someone like you to help bring the avengers back together. Please?"

"You don't know who I am- Or what I've done," I stated.

"Whatever you've done, this might be your chance to turn things around," Cap said.

I didn't have anything better to do with my life. "Sure," I said, following them back to the Avengers base.

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