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Hey Sasha have you seen my red ruby necklace that you gave me for christmas? No why? Because I take it off when I'm in the shower and I don't sleep with it on. No I haven't seen it, were you going to wear it tomorrow? Yeah I was. What if he took it? Don't joke Sasha it's not funny. I wasn't trying to joke, but what if it is possible? Okay it could, but what if I just lost it. Well you are known to lose thing big or small. Well let's think about things from the beginning: he started following you, he came inside the house, saw you naked, can't shift threw concrete, and now we think he stole your necklace that costed a few hundreds. Your worried about how much it costed? Yes I am it was really expensive.

OK think were was the last place you set it? On my nightstand, I'm pretty sure it was on my nightstand. We will call the police and tell them that someone is harrassing you and that they stole something of yours, and see if they will dust for prints. Your going to ask them to dust for prints Sasha and what if he doesn't even leave prints? So your saying Hilrary that he might not be in the system? No I'm saying that he's a vampire? And? So vampire's don't have prints.  

Have you not seen Vampire Diaries? Yeah so? So they left finger prints. So what are you saying I'm saying that vampire's do leave finger prints. Ok if they did then why weren't there any at the crime scene? I don't know maybe the thief wore gloves, because gloves don't leave finger prints.

OK so what are you thinking? Are you still thinking it's the vampire? OK yes, we can't rule out the possibility of it. OK I'm not saying to rule it out, but don't you think that it can be a regular robber who is ridiculously smart at this and that isn't a blood sucking creature with fangs. 

Ok why do you have to name him like that, there is a much better name than that? Yeah I know there is I just don't feel the urge to say it. So you feel the urge of saying " blood sucking creature with fangs." Yes I do, it sounds so much more funny. 

So you would rather at him being a blood sucking creature with fangs, then laugh at him because they call him a vampire? Yes because it gives a laugh to it. Is everything funny to you now, because you used to never laugh this much? Yes it is bringing more laughs to the attention, because he's so lonely and never dated anybody in his million years, I mean hell at first you thought he was cute. Yeah that was at the beginning, there's a reason they call it "the beginning".  Hey maybe I should just go up to him and ask him why he's following me, and why he wants me so damn bad? Now that's a dumbass idea, a lunatic could come up with a better idea then that, and there crazy...

Ok maybe it wasn't a good idea but it's the only one I could think of, ok do you have any good ideas? Actually no I don't, but if I do it will better then that one you came up with. What did a cannon go off in your brain to make you tell that idea. OK Sasha was I sarcastic with you, no I was not I was joking and laughing at the same time, none of mine was sarcastic. Your right that came off a little sarcastic, I'm sorry.

Hey I do have this idea it might be a little out of the ballpark but...ok we know that he's always on the otherside of the sidewalk why don't I go for a jog on that side and accidentally bumped into him and say"I notice you always following and looking at me, and I was just wondering if you would want to go get a drink with, me." Are you crazy, your using yourself as bait, he's going to have every chance to grab you, and your going to let him have it easily. 

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