Chapter 1: follow

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Hello I'm Hilary Perez, I just moved from Texas, to Hollywood California. I'm really new here so I have no idea where anything is at, not even a Starbucks. I'm going to have to ask someone for directions. Wow California is really big, and beautiful, and I thought Texas was better looking, I guess I was wrong. I have a roommate great that is really, really awesome, in a very sarcastic tone. Hi I'm your roommate Sasha, and you must be Hilary, Hilary Perez. I just moved from texas. Wow I thought this place would be beautiful, I guess they falsified the lease or whatever. I just graduated from law school and I have no clue were the building is or whatever, I guess I got to pull out the handy dandy smart phone and go on google maps to find the place. Sasha can show me, she's been there quite a few times, then she can be my google maps. Ok Sasha look to your left has that guy been following us.  What guy? The guy in all black he's kind of creeping me out, and he's also so pale. Pale, I don't follow? I mean very white and has never gotten a tan in his life. So your telling me he looks like a bottle of white out? Well not "white out" but he looks extra white.

Hilary do you think he's cute? Why would I care if he's cute, he's been following us for the past hour, god only knows what else he's been doing. If you think he's cute sasha then you belong in the psychic ward. If you want someone go on tinder Sasha. Why would I want to go on tinder Hilary? So you won't be drooling on some creepy ass compulsive guy, an did I not mention he's been following us. You know what else is crazy, is that everytime I turn around to look at him, he tries to hide, you try to turn around and see what happens Sasha. Your getting creeped out because this guy is following you, didn't you have people stalk you when you were in texas. NO I never got stalked. If they needed, something they will track me down, not follow me like some weirdo creepy stalker. Stalker, I don't even see him. Wait what do you mean, you don't see him? I mean he's not there. He should be , he's been following us for the past hour.

Umm Hilary he could of been following, you because he's pretty determined to get to you. Determined, more like he wants to kill me instead. You don't know that, he has a certain look in his eyes. Oh yeah and how do you know what his eyes say unless you went over there...Sasha you didn't. I did what, I have no idea what your talking about Hilary. What about the word creepy do you not understand. I understood it alright. Well apparently not because if you did you wouldn't of gone over there. What are you my mother? No damn, I'm just looking out for you. Well don't I can take care of myself, now find your own way home. Fine I will probably better off with out you. Hallejuiah she's gone, but the creepy dude in black is still following me even after she left. Ok stop moving closer if I speedup he speed's up If I slow down he slow's down. Oh shit he touched me, I'm going to have to take 3 showers now just to get his touch off of me he made me gag alittle how gross. 

Hilary yelled for Sasha, but don't think she heard her loud enough "Sasha, Sasha, Sasha" please help me, but she was to far away. Think Hilary think, oh I can stop drop and roll no I can't do that, that is fire's ,there's no time for thinking just run as fast as you and don't look back maybe he won't catch up to you. Who the fuck are you, and why are you only coming after me and nobody else? He said "because I only want you and just you and nobody else." Yeah because what he just said wasn't creepy at all. I didn't leave my house for a month. The next day I saw him outside my apartment, how the hell did he find my apartment, I didn't tell where it was at unless he followed me home. Jesus Christ I hope he isn't looking at my social media, because that would be extra creepy, not as creepy as him following me. If he is what I think he is, then he could have super hearing, and he is listening to everything im saying right now. Sasha you have to help me? Why do I have to help you with anything? Because he touched me and he told me that I'm the only one he want's and nobody else. Damn not even me? Well that's what "nobody" mean's Sasha. 

Ok I'll help but you will owe me. Ok whatever you want, just as long as you help me ok? OK what do you need help with? The other day, I saw him outside our apartment, I didn't even have clothes on I was butt ass naked, and I saw him bite his lip as if I looked delicious, so the only way your going to help me is, your going to take me somewhere else but don't talk write it down, because I think he has super hearing, and don't think about it I think he can read minds to. So what can we do then, I don't even know at this point we or he has excluded all of our opinions. If I called the police they would think I'm crazy. Well then Hilary they are going to think I'm crazy to. Hey Sasha I just want to thank you for helping me with my stalker. You are my friend I would do anything for my friend even if she's in danger. If the police don't believe you, I believe you ok because I was with you when it started. What would I tell the police officer " hey officer, there is this vampire that has been stalking me for a week." They are going to say " oh this girl belongs in a insane asylum because she's a lunatic." Hell I would of thought the samething to if I were them. 

But Hilary you are not them. Yeah thanks Sasha for having my back and believing in me. No time to thank me, you can do that after I save you got it. Is that before or after I get kidnapped, from him because everytime I go for a walk, I feel like he wants to snatch and grab. If he is going to snatch and grab you he is going to have to go threw me understand. But what if he kill's you? He's not going to want to, because he want's you and the only way to get to you is threw me. I mean if he wanted you that bad then he should of taken you in your sleep. True, true which obivously means he doesn't, but the real question is, what's the real reason for wanting me? Hey, maybe I'm a doppelganger. Don't be funny Hilary. I'm just trying to lighten the mode a little bit. You can joke but about something else. Wait hold on in the beginning you were ready to jump his bones, but when I make a joke about it you get all tense about it? What do you mean? You know, what I mean you called him cute. Oh your right I did.

So what's different now? The difference now is that I wanted to jump his bones, but he wants to bite your neck and wants to suck your blood. He does not want to bite my neck, we don't even know if he's a vampire alright. Hilary the signs are all there: he's very white, never had a tan in a million years, wears all black, and he heard the question you asked, so your going to say that he's not a vampire? Have you ever thought that he just burns easily in the sun. No I did not think of that, but vampires do burn if in the sun, and if they don't have a ring. Ring, what do you mean? Vampires do have daylight rings, so they could out in the day so they don't get burned. Did you look at his hands? Now why would I look at the guys hands, that's a little creepy and not to mention disturbing and kind of weird. Yes I know it's weird to look at your stalkers hands, I was only asking if you seen any rings on his hands. 

Yes I seen one and it was on his right hand. His right hand that could be a regular or the daylight ring. What's the difference rings are rings? What's the difference...the difference is one of them has a light blue stone, and that will be the daylight ring. The only way to tell if he's a "vampire" is to get the ring. And how do you figure on doing that Hilary? I have an idea. No Hilary that's a really dumb idea even for you. Do you got a better idea? He's gonna kidnap me eventually, I'm just evening out the playing. Hilary we could've of came up with a better idea. Has anyone ever told you that the ideas you come up with are outrageous. No because I never had any ideas to give. As your friend I'm warning not to do this. Well Sasha he's not gonna give to you. Why not? Because your not the person he wants and if it's me it'll be easy peasy lemon squeezy. And if you don't make back Hilary? Then call my mother and tell her I love her, but if I make it back I'll have the ring. I may not be stealthy but I can move fast and quite.

Hilary how are you gonna get the ring? I'm going to flirt, I'm going to let him get to know me even if it's the easy way to go, and for him to closer to kidnapping me. And letting him get freakishly close to is a good thing. No it's not but that's what popped in my head. And how are you going to flirt with him? Well you see I'm going to lead him, he's going to expect the unexpected. I'm not going to expect him as a vampire, I'm going to see him as a human. Hilary he's a vampire, he has the fangs. I don't believe it, until I see them I don't believe in them. Fine if you find holes on the side of your neck are you going to think he carved those out with a knife. Yeah probably because, there is no such things as a, vampire or hybrids Sasha, and the daylight rings is just a myth I bet they just made that story up to scare the children. If it's just a made up story, then why are we calling your "stalker" a vampire?

Ok Hilary what about "mind compulsion"? What is mind compulsion? Mind compulsion is basically a mind spell. He uses his eyes to talk, to trick your mind into not believing, that he's a vampire, oh my god, that totally makes sense. What makes sense? You not believing he's a vampire, he put you in a mind compulsion. That's absurd Sasha, there's no way that happened, because if it did don't you think I would of been there when it happened. That's the thing you don't remember it at all. Who is the crazy one now. I'm not crazy Hilary, let me break it down for you alright: he started following you to your job, he heard the question you asked, he followed you to our apartment, and now we have to whisper, because your afraid he might hear you in your regular voice, and he seen you butt ass naked. Your right that was creepy, ok if I'm in a mind compulsion then how am I supposed to get out of it? 

There's a question I don't have a answer to. Wait what do you mean you don't have a answer for it, you have answers for everything. My stalker wants to bag me, and you don't have answer, you used to come up with answers on the spot, what are you getting old? No I'm not getting old alright, it's just that I'm running out of opinions and answers. So what we should just give up is that what your saying? No I'm not saying give up. Then what are you saying, because I'm kind of lost at the moment? Yes lost between the stalker, and the friend who can't give any helpful answers. Wow what's wrong with you? What's wrong with me, sorry for trying to protect my friend from getting kidnapped.

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