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this might seem irrelevant to you

as i do not know your life story

but i thought i should share this with you
as i cannot seem to get it off my mind
as it keeps me up at night

rewriting itself and composing what your reaction could be

as i do not know your life story
would it seem strange?

for someone like me to write something for you
even though i have no idea who you are

but i do,

i may not know what you've been through
i don't know what's broken your heart into a million pieces
i do not know what it is that brights up your entire world,
what gives you hope

what gives you strength to continue each day

but i do know who you are to me

you are lavender.

your beauty travels far

but you have a certain sadness that lingers beneath the soils of your fields

it's all in your eyes and the lines of your face that has seen so many things
that has shown so many emotions

you are tired

used by people for so long
guiding and nurturing them

giving away a part of yourself each time they venture beyond the fence of where you hold your love

of where it is safe for them

for they know that at any time
they can come back

with the knowledge that
you have the strength
and the love
to hold them up

so i may not know your life story

but i know who you are to me
who you are to others

which is lavender

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