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Watching Ezra's gorgeously soft eyes flutter closed I feel blessed... Gifted with the trust it must take to relax so fully in my lap with the taste of cinnamon and caramel on his lips... My adoration of him only growing stronger as he slips into what seems to be the most peaceful state of being still sheltered so closely to me... His head resting so thoughtfully right where my heart lies... The chocolate his delicate hands had only just slipped between my lips still sitting on my tongue melting away just as quickly as I myself am being melted down into my own sticky warm puddle of love-infested goo...

I have no idea how just this morning I had been wondering just how far things would get today... I had wondered if Ezra would take one look at me and laugh me away with a wave of his hand... I had thought myself too old... That he would not ever look twice at me and see anything other than a reason to be romantically alarmed... Or if he would resign me to be platonically inclined... Something I would have accepted if maybe he found himself wanting out of this place and felt as though the two of us could live as close friends... His company so very pleasant seeming even before we held our first conversation...

I would have taken any kind of company he would be willing to bless me with and he shockingly found it fitting to grace me with his gentle affection and the possibility of a real chance with him... The way he had truly considered me earlier and still found himself open to the idea still even now causing me to smile... "Ezra?"




The sound of Nicky's voice floats so very gently down to my ears and I find myself enchanted by it... His hand moving so very slow up and down my side as we sit here in the dimly lit playroom... My face being lifted just barely to respond with the smallest of whimpered grunts to let him know that I'm listening and that he has my attention... Not that he's managed to lose any of it in the short time I've been curled up in his broad lap... His words so very enthralling that I do not know how to respond to him or what to say... "I... If you would like... We could arrange for the rest of my family to visit?  So that you might get to know them and know what kind of man I am for yourself? My sister and her family would adore you just as much as I do... And I have no doubt that they would be gentle with you... I... Really I just think that maybe it might give you more of an idea of what kind of family you would be joining if you truly find me agreeable..."

With how he keeps carrying on it becomes obvious to me that even just making the suggestion has made him feel nervous... Just as his presence here and his interest in me makes me nervous... And it is so very endearing that I find myself pressing my body just a little more firmly into his so that he might know that it is okay to be nervous... And that I am right here for him just like he has been here and so very patient with me... My answer slow to come as I spend time calculating my answer so that I know it will make sense to him when I say it, "I... I-I t-think t-t-that would b-be w-won-wonderful!"

I've never had more than just my family visit... Well, my family and now Nicky himself with his kind eyes and pleasant disposition... But I cannot imagine anyone having been raised right alongside this gentle man as anything other than sweet and patient just like he is, "O-only if-if t-they wan-want t-to-to though..."

As irritating as my stutter is when I cannot seem to escape it well enough to avoid it during conversations that actually carry weight behind them... I find myself charmed in realizing that Nicky does not seem to mind... He doesn't seem to care about my flaw... And my broken sentences seem not to phase him... He only seems more and more keen on being affectionate with me every time he hears me jumble my words as my mouth makes a mess of them, "Why would they ever want to stay away?? Claire herself asked me just earlier over dinner when it might be appropriate for her and the kids to stop by and say hello! I just had not been sure of what to tell her other than that I needed to check with you first!"

"W-Why w-would I-I object?", His words make me feel so very giddy, and I cannot seem to figure out what to do with myself over being so very happy... My giggles gift me the most precious response from Nicky yet... A tight squeeze of his arms around my waist and a kiss pressed to the top of my hair that leads to a flush so violently full and firey that I have no doubt the man can feel the heat radiating from my cheeks... Nicky's palm finding my cheek in order to guide me up from where I've shoved my face to hide my brilliantly blushing complexion so that he might stare into my eyes most peculiarly... My heart pounding harder and harder with each second that ticks by as he holds us in this strange dance... His face getting so very close to mine before the security staff member currently sitting a few feet away from me clears his throat... A reminder that we are not alone, no matter how close the two of us feel... And that we won't be alone anytime soon...

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