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"He's absolutely beautiful..." I had stared at his picture often enough in the catalog to have Ezra's stunning face memorized, the constellation of freckles dusted over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose so charming... His silken mane of caramel-colored curls tumbling down around him as he nuzzles the stomach of the teddy bear that he's currently using as a pillow glinting in the sunlight as it streams in from the window and bathes him in its golden light, "There really isn't anyone else trying to win his affections?

There had been many thoughts that had run through my head when I had finally admitted to myself that despite my initial aversion to the thought of finally settling down after all this time that I am in desperate need of company... Taking so many years to focus on my career and building a life around myself that others would most likely be grateful for had been exactly what I had wanted it to be... Peaceful, and uninterrupted by thoughts of love and children, the process in which to go about finding a wife too tedious for me to bother with... Until I woke up six months ago realizing that I had been sleeping on the couch because laying in bed all night by myself felt too lonely to handle, and I had been leaving the television on all night to drown out the silence that had felt like it was choking me.

"Other than his family, Ezra has had no other visitors while staying with us." The way the matron of Ezalie's House For Future Wives and Mothers phrases her words almost make me laugh... The smile she pushes in my direction before moving on to chat with one of the three other men currently standing on the observation deck with us, the three of them all with their eyes on the young men they themselves had felt drawn to instead of the lovely brunette that I had not been able to force from my mind...

The photograph had only been of his upper chest and face... But the soft blue sweater he had been wearing had made his hazel eyes shine, and had complimented his stunning hair so well that I hadn't been able to find any fault in him... None at all...

I cannot count the number of nights I've found myself pulling out that damned catalog and opening it to the spread that had been dedicated to my sweet Ezra so that I might pour over his picture and study the paragraphs describing his gentle and timid personality so that I might dream of what it might be like to sit next to him and know what reaction he might have to me... If he might find himself inexplicably drawn to me despite the glaringly obvious difference in our ages...

I know that even imagining a scenario where shy sweet Ezra might fancy himself taken with me, a man over double his age is bold of my mind... But I find myself lovesick, ever fascinated by finding new heavenly constellations in his freckles as they haunt my every waking moment... There is just something about his shy demeanor that I cannot let go of... That I cannot push to the furthest reaches of my mind and leave there... I know it is wrong of me to entertain the very idea of finding love with the slight future mother lounging right before my eyes... But I can't walk away from him.

I just can't.

Staying with them... As if the young male-bodied life-giver ever had any choice in the matter, his family most likely having had to surrender him as just a tot due to the heavy financial strain that comes with trying to keep the rarities safe, most of them targets of Predator types who chose not to call upon their higher reasoning and cave in to their desire for the often beautiful, gentle creatures who seem to fascinate all of us so much...

Normally the offspring of other prey types their families often do not have the natural muscle it would take to fend off a home invasion or any violence that might come their way, so they often end up needing to fortify their homes and cars to withstand attacks from even the most determined Predators when their potent pheromones begin to be noticed by the world around them as the birthers age into maturity... And while absolutely necessary for the safety of the entire family... Quality is normally directly tied to cost, and poor quality security systems can be spotted by any set of eyes.

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