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It had been a struggle not rushing through my food at dinner as if hurrying the pace of my chewing might make nine come around sooner rather than later... My sister's family more than just amused at my excitement being gifted the opportunity to visit my sweet Ezra once more... The jokes I had to endure over the color of my cheeks and the smile I could not wipe off my face so very sharp-witted but not misplaced... My heart having started to pound over their teasing as it grew closer and closer to my departure from dear Claire's home... The anticipation nearly overwhelming by the time I made it out to my car after not being able to wait any longer... 

Which is how I ended up pulling into the bleak parking lot of Ms.Ezalie's twenty minutes early with my bottom lip snared between my teeth to be bitten in all of my nervousness... My stop to pick my sweet one a box of chocolates not taking nearly as long as I had hoped in my anxious version of trying to pace myself on the way here... It had felt like I had stood in that shop forever, even with the assistant helping me... Showing me where the selection was that was sealed and approved by the wives' homes in the area as acceptable... Helping me debate whether Ezra would prefer the ones with creme fillings or if he would adore the box of caramels... A single box found with a mix of the two with a tempting cinnamon one described that I knew would be perfect for the wonderfully delicate creature that had managed to steal my heart so completely... 

And yet still... Here I am, palms sweating as I wait in the car for the minutes to tick by, Ezra and I both longing for each other not so very far apart... The only thing separating us a tiny bit of distance and such a short amount of time... The phantom feel of how perfectly he fits against my chest when we hold each other trapping me here in the parking lot as I wish for time to speed itself up just this once... 




Asking for belly time had been hard but in the end, it had been the right decision... The artificial comfort that comes from the heating pad on my back and the feel of the massage pad on my belly almost enough to dry some of the tears that had begun to dance in my eyes having to get off the phone with Nicklaus... The gentle way he had spoken of missing me making me want him by my side even more... 

Wendy had been so supportive today... She had even stayed with me for a little while longer after helping me bring one of the belly time pads into my room, her hand having stroked my hair until she had to leave in order to do her rounds... Her face popping in every hour or so to check on me and make sure that I don't find myself too distressed waiting for Nicky to come back... Hoping that he does come back... Watching the clock on my wall tick away until it's finally time...

This next time Wendy gives her curt knock it comes delivered with a smile so warm that I can't help but sit up as she opens the door just a bit wider, "Guess who's here, Ezra-Bean? Come On!"

Her hiss to me is quiet, but it makes my heart pound as I scramble to unstrap myself from the belly time pads and rush from my bed, my blanket nearly coming with me in my eagerness, not a single thought in my head given over my rumpled appearance or the fact that my face is still damp from my tears...

  The only thing that matters is getting to Nicky to see him again... Wendy chuckling as she leads me down the hall... My slippered feet taking my steps quicker than necessary as we get closer and closer to one of the playrooms that should be in the clear for me and Nicky to use... My face feeling so flushed and heated that I'm not sure it'll ever cool down again...  The sound that slips out of my mouth when Wendy opens the door and I see the sweet man that spent the afternoon holding me and whispering the nicest things one I have no control over... The flush on his cheeks matching mine when our eyes meet... The way he stands up to greet me abandoning whatever was in his lap on the seat behind him before closing the distance between us as if Wendy is not even here...




The rest of the room fades away when the door finally opens... Ezra's beautiful face lighting up when he sees me...The whimper that he releases making my heart stutter in my chest driving me to make my way to him even faster than I had intended... The way he so quickly throws himself at me as soon as my arms open for him to take his place curled up against my chest, his fists tangling themselves in the workings of my suit so that he might cling to me just as much as I am clinging to him... 

It may have only been a few hours since we last saw each other... But it had felt like an eternity to both of us... And now that we find ourselves reunited I do not know how I shall ever be able to leave... The feel of a fresh batch of tears from my dear Sweet One seeping through to my chest, his sobs quiet this time around but no less moving than they were earlier...

"N-N-Nicky!" Ezra's sigh is so sweet as he breathes new life into my soul, one of my hands finding it's way to his delicate caramel-colored waves to stroke them before setting the gentlest of tears onto the top of his head... The sweet caregiver who has allowed this sweet reunion to happen smiling as she stares at us... An urging for us to sit and get comfortable as she instructs what I can only assume is a member of the security staff that is trustworthy with this secret meeting of our souls to keep watch over us as she keeps an eye on everything else her parting words as I guide my sweet Ezra back to the chair I had come from... The chocolates I had stopped to get for him being given before we even sit down... The wrapper being pulled off with my assistance so that my weepy Angel might enjoy them while we start to whisper back and forth...

An evening sure to be filled with the beginnings of love so much sweeter than any confection could ever be...

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