Chapter Thirteen

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or, in Which Everything Goes Wrong

Russia washed his hands back at the apartment. He washed them again. He kept on washing them until his hands went numb from the cold water, and then he turned on the warm water, which burnt his cold fingers like fire.

"I think the world only has so much water," Meri said from the living room eventually.

"Then let it die of thirst," Russia mumbled. He turned it off, then, and dried his hands, but they still felt dirty.

When he finally came out, Meri had set up some alcohol for both of them and some cheese and crackers, but Russia had no stomach for food. He took the alcohol gladly, though, and downed it in silence. Meri kept quiet, but Russia could feel the man's eyes on him.

"I think I need to go home," Russia finally said. "My father is unpredictable, and I don't think I know him as well as I thought. I need to see that everyone is alright, and then, once I know what I know again, I might come back and go back to my hunt."

"You're-- you're leaving?" Meri asked. "You can't go, I want--... We've gotten too far into this."

"No, we haven't. If we go any further, I couldn't leave, but--... It is just-- a lull in the conversation. I will go home, come back, find you again, yes?"

"No, just, why don't you just stay here, finish, then go home? What changed your mind?" Russia was about to answer when Meri groaned like a dying man. "Ah, Christ, kid, you didn't find out about Soviet staying with East, did you?"

"I--... what?" Russia looked up at Meri, his eyes wide.

"USSR's been staying with East Germany for the past few days."


Russia was seized with a sudden panic.

"I didn't think about him going to East," he whispered.

"Yeah, well, overlooking happens t'the best o' us," Meri said.

"Oh, fuck. Meri, I think something terrible is going to happen. Will you come with me?"

"Something terrible? Like what, kid? And yeah, o' course. I can't promise I won't shoot him if he tries t'shoot me, though."

"I would say that I think that won't happen, but I'd be lying," Russia said.

"Damn, yeah, o' course. Are we leaving now?"

"Yes, please."

Russia stood up and pulled his coat tighter around his shoulders, and as a second thought, slipped the blood-stained knife into his pocket. Meri stood up and cracked his neck "I have my guns in the car."

"Let's go."

It's very hard to rush a journey of a thousand miles, especially when that involves taking a plane. Those hours were the longest that Russia had ever known as he hugged one of Meri's many cases of weaponry close to his chest. They landed in Germany, renting a car in order to drive straight to the Berlin Wall.

However, as Meri guided the vehicle, Russia realized they were turning parallel to it, instead of parking next to it so they could climb over.

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Look, we just need to talk to someone first--"

"No! We need to get to East! Right now! Meri, please, I--"

Meri tossed his hands up and off the steering wheel for just a moment in frustration, the whole car jerking slightly with the motion. Russia shut up. Meri placed his hands back on it and guided the car back into driving straight. "I'm not rushing in there and getting us both shot! We're talking with West first, gon' plan this out, get things straight."

Russia fell silent, staring out the window at the passing buildings. The car finally began slowing down beneath him, until there was suddenly a jolt up that left his heart in his throat. However, Meri merely tutted at it, backing the car up until the wheel came off of the curb. They were in front of a tall apartment building that wasn't too far from the Wall, the top floors even overlooking the other side.

"We're here. Be reasonable, now. We're gonna help your friend," Meri said. Then, he reached over and patted Russia on the arm. Russia nodded in reply.

They got out of the car, and Meri went back, opening the trunk grabbing out one of the larger cases and tossing it into Russia's arms. Meri also pulled out a smaller case, opening it up to reveal a small, shiny pistol, which Meri quickly loaded, but kept the safety on, for now.

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