Chapter Ten

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or, Snow Always Melts in the Sun

Russia had been forced to finish the purchase alone, carrying the bag of clothes home and picking up a newspaper on the way back with the bit of spare change left from buying everything, intrigued by the headlines filled with words he didn't know yet.

Russia found that being alone was... awful. He was never in a house alone, mostly because there were always siblings or officials bumbling about. However, he had no idea what to do other than sit around and wait for Meri to come back.

Due to last night's debacle, there wasn't even any whiskey for Russia to get drunk on. That would have made the silence more bearable. But he even began to miss the silence when someone, or a group of someones in the apartment above him began enjoying each other's company far too much and far too loudly.

It was shaping up to be an awful night.

Russia decided to raid the fridge to occupy himself. Meri didn't seem to have a very substantial diet, considering that the fridge was mostly filled with condiments, but Russia found some very processed that seemed edible, and he cooked them up in a skillet as he browsed the news of the day.

The articles were talking a lot about the current positioning of the USSR for dominance, citing examples like Cuba. Russia scoffed as he cut up his sausages into the various condiments he had pulled out. (He found that he liked 'ketchup,' the most, something he hadn't had before, mostly because the sauces that Belarus tended to make when cooking for their family was made of the drippings of whatever meats or vegetables were included in the meal. The idea of purchasing condiments rather than the spices or components for the condiments was rather bizarre to Russia.)

The USSR was hardly positioning for dominance in that situation. Russia remembered his father ranting about it a year or two ago, how the United States had put missiles in Turkey, so near to Soviet borders that at the drop of a hat, Moscow would be ash and dust. Russia also remembered how his father had outfitted the Cuban communists with guns and other things and missiles. His father had had good things to say about them, how efficient they were in their control.

Russia knew his father liked people who kept an iron grip on the reigns. That was why Russia's father had such a regimented household, and why Russia was not looking forward to whatever punishment he would get for his disobedience when he went home.

Apparently, the man in the apartment above him had a 'firm grip' as well, if the lady was to be believed. Russia burned a little at the cheeks as he tried to focus on his food and the newspaper.

Russia was mostly surprised at how freely the newspaper was criticizing the policies of the government. There was plenty of patriotism, of course, but the authors of the articles seemed free to say whatever they thought about anything. Russia didn't think he had ever read a newspaper like that. How were they supposed to keep unity and order in the country?

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and Russia stuffed the last sausage into his mouth before opening the door.

"Oh! Gringo's friend, uh... It's, uh...? I never--... Got your name..."

Russia pointed to his mouth as he tried to speed up his chewing.

Mexico nodded, looking awkward. "Hey, uh, is gringo here? Me and... Cans... Sort of..."

Russia shook his head, still chewing.

Mexico cussed quietly under his breath. But at that moment, the couple above seemed to get a second wind.

"Damn... He left you alone with that?" Mexico said, wincing a little.

Russia finally swallowed his mouthful. "Да..." (Yes...)

"Do you know when he's getting back?"

"No, he didn't tell me anything."

"Asshole, leaving his boyfriend like that..." Mexico huffed. "Hey, why not come sit with me and Maple until he gets back? We'll watch T.V., and you can have some dinner."

"I already ate. I will... be okay."

"What did you eat?"

"Sausage and ketchup."

"Yeah, come on. We made bean-and-rice bowls."

Russia finally agreed after some more negotiation, and they left a note saying where Russia was. Mexico also wrote, "Bring your tool-box!"

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