A Change of Tone

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I wanted to quickly apologize for making the cure so out of place and confusing. The main reason why I made it the cure was for laughs. For something stupid and out of place to ne the cure. I tried making an explanation through what Lucas and Sabre said, but it didn really help. So to help apologize I made an Idea I might use to help better explain why it is the cure so this is a possible spoiler.

I was thinking that steves can have allergies like we do. It's just harder for them to have certain allergies because there aren very many diverse foods or medicines that a steve could be allergic to. So I was thinking if I added that idea into place I could make it so Plague Steve was allergic to pufferfish and that's why his powers can be canceled out by it.
Time's point of view
Illusion looked at me closely as if trying to figure something out. I tilt my head to the side. Sabre fell asleep while we were waiting for everyone else to finish making the puffer fish cure. It seems weird that it is the cure, but if it will save Sabre I won't doubt it.

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked Illusion Steve to see his thoughts on all of this. He looks at me then looks at Sabre.

"I'm not sure." Illusion told me. I sighed a little disappointed not to have some reassurance in the answer. I guess all we can do is wait. Illusion suddenly smirked like Sabre would when he got really excited or smug about something he did well. I have never seen Illusion smirk before. "So why are you holding his hand?" Illusion asked me. I forgot that I was holding his hand. I quickly let go and put my hands behind my back.

"What are you talking about?" I asked nervously and tried to relax. I don't know why I was holding his hand. It just felt... good... I think...

"I told you. You like him."

"No I do not!" I yelled angrily at him while he gave me that smug look. I glared at him.

"You do. I can tell. You always look at him, you always check on him and you are the main reason we went looking for him in the first place."

"I just care about-" Suddenly Sabre shifted. I was worried that I woke him up, but he just moved.

"And you do that because you like him." Illusion kept smiling and I sighed. Maybe I do like him... but does that really mean anything or change anything? I don't even know what love feels like. Unless this is what it feels like... To love someone.

I shake my head and adjust the mask over my face to make sure it keeps my face hidden. I would like to take it off, but I can't. I just can't. Only Galaxy and my older brother Elemental knows why because they have seen what happens if I don't keep this mask on my face. I need to tell Illusion in case it happens again. I'm just not sure if now is the right time.

"So what with the mask?" Illusion asked as if reading my thoughts.

"It's complicated..."

"I created an entire world that was an illusion and I know everything that our dad knows. Try me."

"It's also a long story..."

"You control time. I think you can give me some of your time." I sighed. I hate time puns sometimes.

"Okay... it's actually about my powers. I can control time, but only because of this mask. It helps me understand my energy in a way. If I don't have my mask on I lose control of my energy and everything can go wrong." Illusion looks at me.

"How do you know that?" He asked.

"It happened before. I had to fix everything after that. It took weeks."

"Then why does no one else know about it?"

"Me and Galaxy made sure no one remembered. It's for the best that no one else remembers that day..." Illusion gives me a quick hug. He never was much of a physical contact person.

"Alright... but can I ask you something else?" I nod and he looks around as if worrying if someone else would hear.

"Do you think Alex would be a good mom?" What the- where did that come from.

"What?" I was very confused.

"I noticed that Alex and Galaxy are really close." Now that I think about it they are pretty close. I thought it was always because they were good friends, but maybe I was wrong.

"They are, but I would need to see it myself. Also she would be a scary mom." I said thinking about it. Not in a bad way just the scary mom who would beat us up if we got in big trouble.

"Yeah she probably would. Want me to prove it though?"
"Sure." Curiosity was getting the best of me.

Ilusion goes to the open window and looks outside. I follow him to see Alex and Galaxy getting the puffer fish poison out of the pufferfish. While they were doing that they were talking to each other. It was hard to tell but it looked like they were both blushing. They are also trying to avoid looking at each other.

"See what I mean?" Illusion said smugly. I look at dad and Alex again and nod.

"So they both like each other, but they won't say anything." I ask double checking what I think is going on.

"Yup, I think they have for a while now." We both jump and look behind us to see Sabre who was awake.


"Yeah i know... sorry for falling asleep." He says.

"No it's alright." I tell him. He nods.

"How long?" Illusion asked.

"Since we defeated Origin Steve." That long?! I'm surprised.

"Should we go do something about it?" I looked at Sabre.

"Definity." He gets up from the bed slowly and goes to the window. I wanted to help him, but I really didn't want to prove to Illusion that I might like him. He did look okay when he walked.

"What are we going to do?" Illusion said as he looked back outside. I decided to just watch.

"Watch and learn... Alex!" Alex looks at Sabre confused.

"What is it?!" She yells to him.

"Galaxy has a crush on you!" Sabre yelled back. Galaxy was in shock and then yelled at Sabre.

"You promised not to tell her!" He was whining a little. I laughed a little.

"It's too late! She already likes you!" Illusion called out to Alex. Now it was her turn to be embarrassed. Before they could yell at us I closed the window.

"That was interesting." I say.
"Yeah... but it's worth it." Sabre says and I smile.

"Looks like we will have a new mom." Illusion said and we all laughed. This is a nice change of tone
Words 1178

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