Chapter 1 ~ The Masks We Hide Behind

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??? POV:

W-why do I feel b-blood... w-why does my arm hurt... where am I..? A-a mask..?

No One's POV:

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No One's POV:

The mask gave the boy a dark vibe. However, knowing the boy is a teenager, he doesn't hesitate to put the mask on. Once the mask was put on he was shown what happened and what caused it. In the process, he slowly remembered who he is, (Y/N) (L/N), however once he remembered his last name, he hated it for some reason. He is then woken up in a hospital bed.


(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up in a hospital bed, my head hurts but not more than my arm. Once I regained my strength, I sat up and looked at my left arm to see it was gone. Out of fear, I started to scream and might I add it was a very manly scream.

Doctor's POV:

I heard a rather girly scream from the 'new' patient's room, as I walked the empty halls of the hospital to the patient's room, I kept thinking.

"He is finally awake after all this time..."

(Y/N)'s POV:

I cried waiting for a staff member to come but as I looked up I saw only the walls. Am I in an abandoned hospital? If so, why didn't they transfer me to a different hospital? I see a doctor walk in.

Doctor: "Hello, my name is Dr. Tyrant, and it seems you finally awoken Mr. (L/N)."

Me: "Finally?"

Dr. Tyrant: "Yes, you have been in a 2 year coma after you had your arm chopped off and pushed off a roof."

Me: "Oh... was my arm recovered?"

Dr. Tyrant: "Yes, However, you were forgotten about by the surgeons and nurses. So, your arm is now decayed. I couldn't reattach it due to me being on medical duty all the time."

Me: "I understand, when do I get discharged?"

Dr. Tyrant: "I don't give a shit, this place closed 2 years ago, but here if you need anything here is my number."

Me: "Okay, thanks again for everything."

He nods and leads me to the exit. Since it has been 2 years, that would make me 20.

Me: "I need a jo-"

I see a building with a big 'We're Hiring!' sign on the front. I go inside and get stopped immediately.

???: "Sorry kiddo, but this place isn't opened."

Me: "I just need a job."

???: "Oh, well, names James Quarry, I am the manager."

Me: "Names (Y/N) (L/N) so where do i sig-"

James: "you're hired!"

Me: "Wha-?"

Lost Memories ~ Female Springtrap (Purple Girl) x Betrayed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now