Chapter 2 ~ The Pretender VS. The Killer

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No One's POV:

  The two masked humans face each other with rage. Not one word has been said during this stand off. Emily was on the verge of murdering (Y/N). The same goes for (Y/N). After a good 2 minutes, they charged at each other, fighting at equal speed and strength. After what felt like an hour Emily falls over while (Y/N) stands oddly unfazed by any hit.

(Y/N): "This fight is over... you lose, slut..."

Emily: "You know now I can believe that they lied to me about you."

(Y/N): "What do you mean?"

Emily: "Tell me (Y/N), did you push Caleb off the school roof 3 years ago?"

(Y/N): "No, but I know who did..."

Emily: "Who?"

(Y/N): "We know far to well, Samantha..."

???: "Someone call for me?~"

(Y/N): "fuck..."

Sam: "Hello murderer! Greetings Emily!"

Emily: "oh forgot to mention one thing... the cops are listening!"

After she said that, 10 officers surround Samantha.

(A/N): Because, I am lazy, I am calling (Y/N) y/n instead.

y/n: " the fuck is happening!?"

Emily: "did you really think I would betray you?"

y/n: "yeah... sorry sis..."

Emily: "It is fine but our parents think you died."

y/n: "yeah, I made a new friend... sort of.."

Emily: "sort of?"

y/n: "um... she is a um... animatronic that is possessed by a flirtatious woman."

Emily: "...Ship!~"

y/n blushes at his little sister's comment.

y/n: "I hate you so much right now..."

Emily: "I know."

Timeskip brought to you by: the tired author being an asshole and impatient

y/n: "welcome to... hell..?"

Emily: "your weird..."

Springy: "someone is near my future husband, and I don't like that!"

  Emily then backs away with a calm, yet shipping smile.

y/n: "that is just my sister Springy."

Springy: "BETRAYER!!!"

a/n: Due to me being about 2 days behind schedule I will not use the 1,000 rule that I made, also, there will be 1 more chapter to this story then I will not be posting till I get plot for the next book I make (next month I will post it).

word count including this: 370

Lost Memories ~ Female Springtrap (Purple Girl) x Betrayed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now