The Talk With The Principals

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Navy's POV

Another bright day, I woke up at 6:30 and so did Lea. Dash as usual is sleeping, We freshened up, went downstairs and started making breakfast. U maybe wondering why so early? Its because today is the day we meet the Principals of CHS. So we made scrambled eggs and a glass of milk for breakfast. Dash woke up, I think cause I heard a sound from upstairs.


"Everything okay up there, sis?" I asked dash

"No probs, I just fell of the bed" Dash yelled so that we could hear her.

Lia and I laughed silently as we continued our work. Dash came downstairs as we greeted her.

"Good morning Rain!" Lia said

"Morning dash" I greeted

"Morning Navy and Lia" Dash replied as we sat in the Dining Room.

"So today we will be meeting up with the principals of CHS to talk about the comp" I gave a reminder.

"Ok" Dash and Lia replied

"Eat the food fast and start getting ready, we need to meet up at school by 9am. STAT!" I said.

"Yes ma'am!" They saluted, put the dishes for wash and ran to get ready.

*30 min later*

Dash came down wearing black jeans with a lightning bolt symbol, black and white scotch plaid flannels with a leather belt around her stomach, her watch and  puma sports shoes. She also put her hair into a braided crown.

Lea was wearing a red frock up to her knees, white leggings and a huge ponytail with a red bow.

I am wearing a pastel pink shirt with the writing ' BE YOURSELF' and black jeans. My hair was simply left down with a hair bow.

"Ready?" I asked

" Oops, 1 min, lemme go get my phone and the car keys" Dash said and dashed upstairs.

In a few seconds, she came down and we went to the car, Dash handed the keys to our bodyguard/driver, Soarin and we sat in the backseat.

*1 hour later* 

We reached. We entered the school to see the entrance is empty! Probably, all are in their classes. We saw the security, standing near the cafeteria. We took out our disguise masks and wore it so that no one will identify them. 

"Hello sir, can you please lead us to the principals office?" I asked

"Sure, why not? Walk straight from the entrance, take a right and then the first grey door on the left that u see is the principals office"  He said.

"Okay, thank you" Dash said. The security smiled at us as we started to follow the directions.

" Grey door, grey door grey door, Ah ha! There it is!!" Lia said and entered the room.

We followed her too.

"May I help you girls?" A women asked us which I assume is the principal

"Ma'am we're the girls that volunteered for judging the singing competition" I said and removed the disguise mask ,same with my sisters.

"Oh, you're the Dash sisters" Principal said

"That's us" Dash said. 

" Let me introduce ourselves. I am Principal Celestia and this is my sister V. Principal Luna. U, may call our names" Celestia said.

"Okay, u may know us already I'm Navy Staria, this is Rainbow dash and Lianna Dash". I said

"U said u will give us more details to this competition that we will be judging, so can u pls explain the whole thing to us?" Lia pleaded.

"Yes, so there will be a music competition, there will be 2 rounds. A trial and the once chosen from the trial will move onto the final jam that will be held in Camp Everfree. It will begin in the 2nd week of March." Celestia explained.

"Okay, so is there anything that we need to do like perform or something?" Dash questioned

"Not necessary, U will just to give an intro about yourselves and a small boost of confidence" Luna replied.

" That we'll do for sure, bye" I said and started to leave when...

"Wait!!" Lia yelled

We turned back to look at her.

" I have an idea, what about we make it a little more fun and active? We'll settle a week full of camping in Camp Everfree on 2nd week of march." Lia said

"Can u elaborate it?" Dash asked

" See, we'll do a full week of camping on the week of this competition, that is instead of campfire stories we'll make it a musical campfire and that will be the trial round. And then on the 2nd last day of camping we'll do the Final Jam. Food and eating supplies can be served by a few young chefs of this school itself, 1 or 2 parents can volunteer to help." Lia explained.

"Well that is a good idea, and we can do that since we don't have any shooting that month" I said.

" If the students will be available that week, I am willing too" Dash said

" That is a superb idea, Change of plans , let's go for Lianna's plans" Luna said.

"YAY!!" Lia said happily and started to walk out.

"Bye.." Me and Dash said wore our masks along with Lia.

*1 hour later*

We reached home, freshened up and started to get ready for taking rest after a long trip. But suddenly I received a notification on my phone.

" Since U girls, live far away from the school I have booked a room with 3 beds for u girls have fun!! will send address in a minute






           - Celestia

I smiled and sent  "Thank you so..much" and she replied "That's the least we can do".

I went and told my sisters that we'll start moving tomorrow and Lia was super excited!

I went to bed and took some rest.

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