Chapter 1: A Tree Spits Out a Human

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Hope's POV:

I wake up with a gasp. I'm the middle of the woods and it's night out. The air is cold as I stand and look around. I pull my jacket tighter to me. I know every inch of the woods and I have no clue where I am now. I'm just glad to finally be out of Malivore. Now, how do I get home?

I don't know how I would figure out where to go since I don't have anything for a locator spell or anything similar to that. I'm completely stranded. Why would Malivore spit me out anywhere that isn't Mystic Falls? It doesn't make sense. Suddenly I hear a panicked voice.

"NANCY! NANCY!" Someone is in trouble. Against my better judgement I sprint towards the voice as the boy continues to call out to his friend. "WHERE ARE YOU! NANCY!" I soon reach the screaming voice. In an instant a flash light is shined on me.

Behind that light is a boy around my age with shaggy hair. "Is everything ok?" I ask, confused. "Who are-Nevermind, have you see another girl anywhere?" I shake my head. That's when I hear it. A girl's voice screaming. "JOHNATHAN! JOHNATHAN!" "Are you Johnathan?" I ask. He nods.

"NANCY! I'M RIGHT HERE! NANCY!" He calls out. The voice sounds close, but distorted. "NANCY! JUST FOLLOW MY VOICE!" "JOHNATHAN!" "JUST FOLLOW MY VOICE NANCY! I'M RIGHT HERE!" He calls out.

"Why do you sound so freaked out? I mean, sure it's late in the woods, by why are you so panicked?" I ask, totally confused by his panicked behavior. He sounds like she's about to die. Suddenly there's a scream. "NANCY!" He takes off running, me not too far behind him.

He comes to a stop beside a tree with gunk on it. It looks like Malivore mud, but he remembers her so that can't be it. "What the hell? What is that?" I ask as it glows. "Nancy." He mutters. What the hell? "Nancy! Follow my voice!" He calls out. "Dude, you're crazy. Your girl-"

Suddenly a hand reaches out from the gap. My eyes widen. "What the fuck!" I yell, tripping backwards. "Johnathan!" She yells. He jumps forward and latches onto her hand, pulling her forward. What the hell is going on?

I race forward and kneel next to him, also latching onto this girl, Nancy's, arm. Both of us pull with all our might. I use my extra werewolf strength to help me. Soon her head appears and she pulls her other arm through. I let go of the one Johnathan has and grab her other arm.

Together we pull her from the tree. Once she's out they lay on the ground, catching their breath. I stand, completely and utterly confused, as the tree closes up and Johnathan holds Nancy's shaking body to his. "What the hell was that?" I ask. Both of them look up at me.

"Thank you. For helping me." Nancy says. I nod, not really paying attention to her words. "That, was a portal to another dimension." Johnathan says, breathing heavily. My eyes widen. What the hell? "Did you two create it? What are you?" I ask, crossing my arms. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you both witches? Werewolves? I know you're not vampires because I saw you run, so what are y'all?" I ask. "Witches, werewolves, and vampires don't exist. They're made up. We're human, like everyone else on earth." Johnathan says, completely confused.

Nancy still hasn't said anything else. She's shaking still. Whatever happened to her in that other dimension really freaked her out. That's when I take in their clothes. No girl would be caught dead in something like that in 2028. My heart nearly stop.

"Uh, what year is it?" I ask, fearing the answer. Johnathan gives me a confused look. "What do you mean? It's 1983." That's when my heart actually stops and I stumble backwards. "Johnathan." Nancy says softly, observing my actions. "What?" She points to me.

He looks back up at me, confusion turning to realization. "What year do you think it is?" "2028." Their eyes widen. "Wait, so when you asked about the witches, werewolves, and vampires...why would you ask if we were any of those things?" Nancy asks. I hesitate. They're human.

They can't know about me, but they might just be my only hope at getting home. "My name is Hope Mikaelson. I'm what's a known as a Tribrid. A vampire, witch, and werewolf, though I haven't activated my vampire side yet." Their eyes widen.

"I jumped into a supernatural pit in 2028 called Malivore and now and I'm and I have no idea how to get home." There's silence before Nancy stands and walks up to me. I can see that she's still trembling, but it's calmed down a lot.

"I'm Nancy Wheeler, and this is Johnathan Byers. I don't know how, but we'll help you figure out how to get home if you can help us solve our issue with the other dimension. It has Johnathan's brother, Will. He's trapped. My best friend, Barb, is also trapped in there." She explains. I nod.

I can't really say no at this point. "I'll help, but I'll need a place to stay. I don't know if I just went back in time or if I'm in another universe. If I just went back in time then I can find my dad when all this is over." I freeze. My dad. He could be alive. So could Uncle Elijah.

I know Aunt Rebekah, Uncle Kol, and Uncle Finn are all daggered right now, but maybe once i introduce myself, we can all be a family without all the drama. "You can stay with me, but I'll have to convince my mom."

"Oh, I know a few compulsion spells to make it not seem weird that I'm staying with you. Make her think she knows me, that sort of thing. If that's overstepping, I won't but-" "No, that's a good idea. Come on, let's go." She says. I nod and together, the three of us exit the woods.

"Where are we anyway?" I ask as we walk through the unfamiliar woods. "Hawkins. Hawkins, Indiana."

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