Chapter 4: Halloween

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Hope's POV:

Once dressed I spend the next twenty minutes eyeing myself up in the mirror. I remember being Sandy from Grease for Halloween the year after my mom, dad, and Elijah died. I was on some what speaking terms with Jo and she convinced me to go to their costume birthday party.

I hated every second of it, but I grin and bared it for her. A week later we ended up not speaking to each other after a fight so it was kind of a waste of my time. After a few more minutes of making sure I look perfect I hear my dad call up to me.

"Hope your friend is here." He isn't loud, a little above a normal talking voice, but enough to where my werewolf hearing picks it up. Sighing I grab my leather jacket and slip it over my shoulders, taking care to not move my head to much in fear that my hair will fall.

Thought, with the amount of hairspray in it, I wouldn't be surprised if it lasted through a hurricane. I stuff a pen and a small slip of blank paper into my pocket along with my red lip stick for touch ups before exiting the safe space that is my bedroom.

When I reach my front door my dad and Elijah are standing there facing Johnathan. Will must be in the car. He looks calm on the outside, but I can practically feel the nerves coming off of him in waves. I don't blame him He's standing in front of two Originals.

Most would be scared too. Especially since they're on good terms currently. I smile at him. "Hey, Is Will in the care?" I ask. He nods. "Ready?" "Yep." I turn to my dad and uncle. "I'll be back late tonight. Don't wait up."

I kiss my dad's cheek and side hug my uncle before following Johnathan out to his car. Once we're in side Will beams at me. "You look amazing." He grins. I smile back. "Not as god as you Mr. Ghostbuster. You guys did a great job on the costumes." I compliment.

"Thanks! Dustin made the proton packs." I chuckle as Johnathan pulls away from the curb. "You dad and uncle are terrifying, you know that right?" I roll my eyes. "Don't be too scared of them. They won't hurt you. If they do, I'll deal with them." I assure him.

As I talk, we near Maple Street where the other boys are. We chat until we pull up to the Wheeler's house. Will's expression drops slightly. I know he's had a hard time, not being able to be as independent as he wants to be.

I turn in my seat to look at him with a serious look on my face. "If Johnathan and I let you go on your own, you promise to stay in the neighborhood?" I ask, holding the bracelet out for him. His eyes widen and a smile falls on his face. "Yeah! Yeah, yeah, totally." He beams.

"And be back at Mike's by 9:00?" Johnathan asks. "9:20?" "9:00." I state firmly. "Yeah." Yeah?" "Yeah, deal." "Alright." I grin as the two shake hands and he fist bumps me as he climbs out of the car. "Hey Will, don't let any of your spazzy friends use this, ok?"

"Ok." He says, taking the video camera from his older brother's hands. With that he rushes over to his friends. I sigh, smiling slightly at how happy they all look. I turn to Johnathan. "Does this mean you're dragging me to Tina's party?" He laughs. "You betcha."

I groan as he restarts the car and pulls away, heading in the direction of the last place I wanted to be tonight. When we pull up outside I nearly groan at the amount of people here. "Do we have to do this? My werewolf ears already hurt." I grumble.

"Hey, just a for a few minutes, then, if you still want to leave then we'll leave. Ok?" I nod and the two of us get out and head inside. As soon as we walk in I'm bombarded with the smell of alcohol, sweaty teens, and the sound of loud music.

It's a tight fit as everyone is crammed inside. "Nice costume dude." One girl says, walking up to us. "What?" "I said nice costume dude." She repeats. "Oh, uh, yeah. I'm going as a guy who hates parties." She chuckles. "I'm Samantha." "Uh, Johnathan." I smile.

"And I'm leaving. Have fun." I tell him before walking off. As much as I don't want to be here, I'm not gonna ruin his night. I don't make it too far before I hear him. "Mikaelson is that you?" I groan, but turn around, crossing my arms and narrowing my eyes.

"What do you want Hargrove?" He's wearing jeans and a leather jacket. No shirt. As much as he is a douche bag, he's not horrible to look at. Too bad he has to open his mouth. He grins and steps up to me.

I try to back up, but with how tightly everyone is packed, I don't get far and he's soon chest to chest with me. Well, face to chest since I'm a good eight inches shorter than him. The heel are only two inches so that puts me a good six inches below him. "For starters, you."

He places an unwelcome hand on my hip, dangerously close to my ass. "If you don't remove your hand from my body, you will no longer have a hand Hargrove." He chuckles, and surprisingly does what I say.

"That's what I like about you Mikaelson. You don't give a fuck and you don't take shit. Everyone else here are a bunch of stuck up suck ups. You got fire." I roll my eyes. "I'm gonna go get a drink." I turn and walk away from the still smirking boy.

When I reach the punch bowl, I see Nancy and Steve fighting over a cup in her hands. Before I can step in and do something the drink flies back and spills all over her white costume. Everyone around us stops and turns to watch the scene.

She glares at him before bolting up stairs to what I assume is the bathroom. Steve is quick to follow. Johnathan walks up to me. "What was that all about?" He asks. "I have no idea." I say. What the hell just happened?

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