Chapter 8

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Kirsten's p.o.v

I wake up and looked and saw Jeff still asleep slightly snoring. I get up and he made no attempt to move or try to grab me. I walk in the shower and once that was done I got dressed in some black shorts and Jeff's Time and Fate shirt that I made into a crop top and a pair of black toms and I threw my hair in a bun. Then I put on some makeup and walk into the hotel room that we are staying at.

I see Jeff sitting up with just shorts on and no shirt. I sit on my knees on the bed and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Good morning" I said with my chin on his shoulder.

"Morning babe" he said turning around so he can face me.

"I was thinking about something" I said scratching my head.

"And what would you be thinking of?" Jeff asked.

"Tonight on raw we as me and you should have a match you know just for fun" I suggested.

"I don't know babe, I don't wanna hurt you or beat you" he said cocky.

"Who says that you will win?" I asked with a smirk.

"Okay I'll prove to you tonight that I can and will beat you" he said.

"Your so on" I said and we headed to the arena to get ready and it was Madison Square Garden.

As I walked in my mouth dropped in amazement. It is huge in here and we sold it out. I smiled at the fact that tonight I get to beat Jeff's ass in front of thousands of people here and at home watching on tv.

"Hey Jeff just talked to Vince he made our match official and it is the first one of the night so I would get ready if I were you" I said and then walked away.

Since he is his alter ego Willow then I'll make my alter ego as well. I grabbed a mask that I bought awhile ago and put it on and some face paint as well. I also put a lot of black makeup on too. That's when I hear Jeff's theme blare through the speakers.


"Kirsten are you ready?"

"Who's Kirsten? I'm the black widow!"

Thanks to Aj who let me use the name my alter ego is amazing. My theme is monster by skillet. Suddenly the arena went dark and Willow was standing out there confused.

"Beware of the black widow!"

Then my theme blared through the speakers as fog was on the ground from the fog machines. I came out and everyone was shocked. My whole attire was black and my eyes were red. I slowly walk down the ring and Willow was in the corner in a squatting position. I went over and grabbed a mic and got in the ring.

The crowd chanted, Kirsten! Kirsten! Kirsten! Over and over again when I brought the mic to my lips.

"I am not Kirsten, I am her alter ego The Black Widow" I said and tossed the mic out of the ring and take off my jacket.

The bell rung and Willow and I locked up and he kneed me in the stomach. I doubled over in pain and when he came over I slapped him and then super kicked him right in the jaw. He slowly got up and then just as I was about to hit him he speared me.

He went for the cover but I kicked out at 2 and a half. I slowly get up and he tried to armbar me but I ducked and hit the whisper in the wind on him and then worked on his arm so I can perform Aj's move that she taught me the black widow submission maneuver.

Then out of know where he hit the twist of fate and then the swanton bomb. He went for the cover but I kicked out at two this time. He was shocked usually that puts someone away. I hit the ropes and faked doing the tiltawhirl backspin but I got him right into my finisher the black widow. After awhile he tapped and I won the match.

I was shocked that I beat Jeff- I mean Willow and as the ref raised my hand so did Willow. I smiled and hugged and kissed him and we both took our masks off and the crowd roared. We both exited the ring and got to the backstage area.

"You did great out there Jeff" I said.

"Thanks and so did you I was shocked when you kicked out of the twist of fate and swanton Bomb but you never seise to amaze me" he said then kissed me on the nose.

"Aw thanks Jeff love you" I said kissing him.

"Love you too" he said and we left and signed some stuff and took some pictures with the fans and left for the hotel.

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