Part 5

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Before the sun had a chance to dazzle you awake, Doyoung rushed into your room, banging the door open along the way just so he could rudely disturb your peaceful slumber.

You screamed in panic and surprise as you kicked the duvet and toppled out of the bed and onto the floor.

"Doyoung!" you exclaimed in protest, "What the Hell are you up to? Do you know who I am? Seriously! You've been home for one day and this is how you treat your poor little sister?" you proclaimed, but it was all in vain.

Doyoung was already standing with his arms crossed, peering down at you on the floor, your bed hair made you look more like roadkill than an actual human being.

You watched Doyoung's expression, no doubt in your bleary-eyed state you looked miserable. Doyoung's stern glance suddenly warmed and gave way to an easy smile, he grinned from ear to ear and reached out his hand to you.

Dropping down to the floor and onto one, he patted your head and said, "You're majesty, I do apologise for my behaviour! I was just wondering if you would like to accompany me to breakfast."

You huffed and got onto your feet, "Hmmmm...I'm still annoyed, but breakfast does sound tempting right now. Tell me good sir, will you be paying?"

Doyoung did not dare to meet your regal gaze and he replied to your earnest question, "Yes Ma'am."

You placed your hand in his and gave it a firm squeeze, quietly smiling to yourself and happy to have your brother back in the house, no matter how annoying he was.

"Fine, I shall have to accept!" You said in your best posh accent, "And do pray tell good sir, where are we to break the fast?"

Doyoung finally looked up, he caught your eye and gave you a mischievous wink, "That's a secret." with that he quickly ran out of the room with the same level of exuberance he had entered it, "And get ready now! I'm hungry as fu-"

"Doyoung!" your mother yelled before he could finish.

"Hungry as fudge mother! Hungry as fudge! Geez! I wasn't going to say anything rude!"

"This is where you take me?" you sighed in disappointment as you neared the Wendy's parking lot.

"What?" Doyoung said across his shoulder to you in the passenger's seat, "Wendy's is a perfectly fine establishment. You don't want to eat here?"

"No way! I thought we were going for breakfast not burgers."

"Dude, where I come from Wendy's is a perfectly good breakfast place and we don't discriminate. A burger is just a sandwich, so think of it as...Oh! I know, a breakfast sandwich."

"You're literally so annoying!" You yelled.

"You're literally so annoying." Doyoung parroted back to you in a high pitched nasally voice.

"Hey! I don't sound like that!" you slapped Doyoung on the shoulder for his teasing remark.

"Woah!" Doyoung replied, almost swerving onto the curb, "Watch it I'm driving. Look we're here already so you might as well try eating something. I'm paying as well, never miss up on the opportunity to eat free food! That's my tip for you little sis."

"Well you do have a point." you uttered, "Fine, I'll try to stomach something, but if I get sick I'm blaming it on you!"

"Fair enough dude, just don't throw up in mom's sedan, she'll be so mad...Lean your head out the window if you have to." Doyoung laughed while imagining the scenario.

As you and Doyoung wait in line for your turn to order, you noticed a familiar face at the cash register. As you looked closer you began to recognise who he was. His tan olive skin, signature cheesy smile and melodic voice. He looked a lot different wearing the red Wendy's uniform, but as soon as he began to talk his peculiar accent gave him away. It was Donghyuck, your best friend from middle school.

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