Part 2

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It was the beginning of the summer holidays and you were stuck at home with your mother and father. While everyone in your neighbourhood was already on vacation you were sitting on the couch and scrolling through social media, looking at your friends holiday pictures.

The only thing keeping you going right now was the news of your brother Doyoung finally returning from his first year studying overseas. He was one year older than you and had spent all of the year at a South Korea university. Doyoung, being a keen singer and musician, had decided to study at a prestigious university, for a Bachelor of Music.

You wondered if your brother had changed much over the course of a year. Although you had been video-calling him now and then, there were some things that were only evident once you physically touched or saw them for yourself.

Would your dear older brother still tease you? Would he still pick fights with your eldest brother Gong Myung like he used to? Would he let you eat off his plate like when you were kids?

All these questions flooded your mind as you anticipated his return. Gong Myung had already left your family home so there was nobody to worry about Doyoung's return besides you and your parents, but even they didn't seem too fussed about your brothers return.

While you ate dinner you noticed your parents were especially quiet. Your father kept picking at his meal, eating like a bird, while your mother silently ate, listening to your father speaking about politics and the news with a look of contemplation.

"Hey what's going on?" you interjected halfway through your father's rant about US politics.

Your mother looked up from her plate and raised an eyebrow in question at you, "Nothing dear, finish your meal."

You sighed, "Tell me!" you whined, purposefully misbehaving and not doing as you were told, "You guys have been acting strange all night."

"Honey, your mother is just worried about your brother..." you father trailed off, scratching his head and trying to think of something to say.

"Well if it's important at least let me know, he is my brother too after all." you glanced at the sad looking steamed broccoli left on your plate. Oh how they looked as wilted and droopy as your face did.

"Actually," your mother began, making your ears perk up. Slowly you moved your eyes to her face, watching as she tried to form a reassuring smile, "When your brother gets back from university, me and your father are planning a vacation."

You blinked, "And what about me?" you hesitantly questioned.

"You're not coming with us honey, you're staying at home with your brother." your father replied in your mother's stead.

Your jaw fell to the floor, "Are you serious?" you could feel tears forming in your eyes, "You never thought of taking me?" you wished now your curiosity hadn't got the better of you, all these questions were leading to joyless answers.

"It's not that we don't want to take you, but me and your father haven't had a holiday by ourselves for a very long time. Well, at least since you children were young. It would be nice for us to spend some quality time together, so we can celebrate our wedding anniversary alone."

You nodded your head, "I see." you felt selfish and childish at the same time. Selfish because you didn't want to see them go, and childish because you were jealous of your parents for wanting to spend time alone together, without you. They were essentially deserting you with Doyoung for the summer and you felt as if you couldn't handle it.

"And you just trust Doyoung? With the house?" you relentlessly inquired.

"Well he is very responsible, and besides, if anything happens you can call Gong Myung. He only lives an hour or so away." your father replied.

You let out a sigh of resignation, "Okay then." you said in a sad and solemn tone and started picking at your sad looking broccoli.

"Zia it's not the end of the world." your mother reached her hand over the table to hold yours, she gazed deeply into your eyes, "We'll only be leaving for 3 weeks and now you're 18 years old, you can take care of yourself. Listen to your brother when we're away. That's my only rule."

You nodded your head and wished that this terrible day would be over. The excitement of your brother's return had dissipated. At least you wouldn't be alone in the empty house, but the feeling of having your parents not include you in their travel plans left a stinging pain in your heart.

You kept telling yourself that you were grown up. There was no point in crying over silly things like being left out. Maybe your parents leaving would be an opportunity to have more fun over the summer holidays and gain independence?


Writer's Note: By the way the house in the picture is supposed to be yours in the story! Congratulations I have given you a new dream house in Imagination Land. It's all yours to explore and cherish, and look at that stunning view!

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