Chapter Two

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Jennifer has been sat in her car for about 40 min, Hammond left the carpark ages ago and she is wishing that he was still here, even if they weren't to talk, just his company or anyone's company might stop her from being destructive towards herself.

Jennifer may not look it to the boys and the rest of the production team, but she has finally reached rock bottom, the feeling of happiness is no longer there feeling is no longer a matter of wanting to or not, cause the way of feeling is gone. The feeling she would feel pure happiness just at the glance of a new sports car. But Jennifer must try and be strong for Hammond, May, and Clarkson, they are like family to her and they would not last a day without her, before she joined in 2004 it was chaos between the boys, yes, it is still chaotic but it's a good type of chaos now as she is a part of that now.

The night sky Is still shinning and vibrant, the stars glistening.

Rain begins to pour down quickly, the splash of when it hits the window shield the sound echoes throughout her ears.

The feeling of dread and anxiety feel Jen up like a bucket being filled up with water, but if you aren't able to stop that flow of water the bucket will overflow and pour. It will flood.

Jen finally gathers herself up and started the engine and began to leave the office carpark. That feeling still with her, the need to drown this feeling rises, the only thought she has is drinking, drinking so that she can feel so she can be herself again.

As Jennifer drives down the busy London roads to get to her apartment, softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as she drives onwards. The skies are overhung with a blanket of grey, so much so that there is barely a difference between the sky and clouds. Cars engines roaring all around hoars blowing. The need for some quite grew louder, waiting for the lights to change so she can finally drive and leave this busy place.

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