The Blanket Stealer

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Khun whined slightly as the brunette kissed him and tugged on his silvery blue locks, causing his lips to part.
Bam smiled and took advantage, swiping his tongue along his boyfriend's lower lip before slipping it inside his mouth.
Their tongues met and Khun's fingers tangled with soft brown hair, moaning slightly as his mouth was invaded.
Rolling over on the bed, Bam pulled his boyfriend on top of him, breaking apart from their kiss, holding the bluenette tight around his middle and taking in the scent of his freshly washed blue hair.
He closed his eyes, calming his breath and tried to ignore the temptation of the panting boy on top of him. His issue downstairs would most certainly be noticed by Khun but he didn't care. His boyfriend was well aware of what sort of reaction he caused in Bam at times like these, but there was nothing to be done.
Khun wasn't ready.
The couple had been dating for a few months now and had, at Khun's request, decided to take it slow.
Of course Bam understood. 
The bluenette was used to being alone. He struggled to trust others and convincing Khun to open up enough to be able to offer himself completely to Bam would take time.
Bam understood.
But that didn't mean his body wouldn't react to the person he loved, the person he desired.
However, Bam was just thankful Khun had opened up this much to him physically. The ability to hold hands, the fact he would let Bam kiss him, how they would cuddle together before they parted ways for the night, separating to their own bedrooms.
As Bam relished his partners warmth on top of him, Khun slowly relaxing into him, he sneakily tried to check the time and pouted when he realised it was later than he thought.
"Oh, is that the time already?"
Obviously the observant Khun picked up on his boyfriends movements, now also looking at the time slowly ticking by. 
Bam glanced at him, his lips curling at the slight hint of reluctance in those deep blue eyes staring at the numbers. A small sigh escaped Khun's lips when he finally looked down at his grinning boyfriend.
"You should probably go back to your roo- what are you smiling about?"
He narrowed his eyes and tried to pull away but Bam's grip around his middle only tightened.
"No. Don't wanna."
Still smiling at his love, Bam's stare softened as he read all of the different emotions flickering through his partners eyes.
At first it was surprise, then suspicion. Khun averted his gaze, but Bam still spotted the light of guilt, of want, of temptation.
"Bam… I just… I'm not ready…"
The brunette gently let go of his boyfriend, reaching up and cradling his face, twisting it to face him before planting a soft kiss against his lips.
"I know, baby."
A gentle curve of his lips as he reassured his love that he would wait as long as it takes. Khun blushed from the affection, his eyes darting around, the feeling of being loved and loving someone still felt foreign to him.
He started to whisper.
"But... I don't want you to leave either."
Bam's golden stare widened in shock, a rare admission of affection from his boyfriend. The smile lighting up his face couldn't be stopped and he placed a heavy smattering of kisses all over Khun's skin, the bluenette chuckling, blushing and struggling on top of him.
When he eventually calmed down after ejecting his emotions through cute kisses, Bam suggested a solution.
"Then, let me stay here tonight."
Another look of surprise on Khun's face, followed by resistance.
"Bam, I…"
The brunette didn't miss the temptation lying underneath the resistance. 
"I promise I won't do anything you don't want. I just don't want to leave you right now."
He pulled Khun's face to his, making his promise whilst staring into his eyes. He could tell Khun was wavering.
The bluenette pulled away from his love, sitting up on his bed. He looked around the room as he turned the idea over in his mind, his fingers playing together before he reached over for a glass of water on his bedside table, a distraction for his hands.
But his hands were unsteady, his fingers shaking, and they weren't gripping the damp glass hard enough.
The glass almost made it to him, but not quite.
It slipped from his clammy hands, the water splashing from the container.
Fortunately Bam was quick. 
Speedily grabbing his boyfriend into his arms, he grabbed the blanket just as the water hit, and he threw it to the floor, the glass wrapped up in the sheet.
Holding his love on his lap, Bam patted the mattress and confirmed it was still dry.
"Phew, your bed is still okay, but it looks like you don't have a blanket for tonight…"
The pair then stared at the soggy sheet on the floor.
"I can lend you my blanket though, so you don't need to worry."
Bam grinned at the bluenette in his lap, the water spillage actually worked in his favour.
"What about you? You won't have one if you give me yours."
Khun hadn't yet picked up on his boyfriend's intentions.
"Yes I will. I'll share with you."
He said it so confidently and Khun realised he had inadvertently made the decision as to whether or not Bam would be leaving that night by dropping his glass of water.
Without waiting for another word, Bam placed his love on the bed and scurried off, calling over his shoulder.
"I'll go get changed now and bring back the blanket with me!"
Khun was left speechless on the bed.

The Blanket StealerWhere stories live. Discover now