Chapter 2

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It dosen't take me long to catch up to the rest of them as we make our way back and slip into the crown of shouting hooligans unnoticed. We walk across the uneven, plant infested ground for around just over and hour. The sun is starting to break the horizon in a beautiful orange glow the spreads across the sky. But with the beauty comes the heat. The night was bearable, the heat was accompanied by a soothing breeze. But now, even though the sun is barley even crossing the line, the heat intensifies and becomes suffocating, beating down on us in waves of torture.

By the time we get back to base I'm dragging my feet and using my arms as a temporary shield from the rays. The base is a rather large two story complex. It was originally made of just concrete and brick, but now its layered on with panels of black metal to protect it from the outside, and the weather.

We pour into the complex only to be met with more shouts and howling from inside. We walk down to the main room as the raiders part to make a path for us, shouting and cheering us on our big raid. They all wear tattoos or piercings that litter their body's in there black rugged and torn clothes. As we near the main room the air becomes thick with alcohol, half the people here are always shit head drunk. Mark along with others who were holding the bags begin to dump out it's properties onto the large table in the middle of the room, a crown forming around the stolen goods, but no one dares touch any of it.

Cooper Hudson appears out of the door, wearing that stupid smirk as if he's looking down at his peasants. Thats the thing about this bastard in particular, he thinks he's King; and in a sense, he is. Here there aren't any set rules, only that what Cooper says, goes. No questions, no arguing with him, around his you can't to a bloody think or he'll fucking scorch out alive.

He strides down with pride and posture through the swarms of people, until he gets to the table. He clasps his hands together and turned to face us with a large sickening smile on his stupid moronic face.

"Ok! So-"he starts, but then he realises no ones listening, just eyeing the goods on the table they want to get their filthy hands on first, while talking and exchanging conversations. Growing impatient Cooper loses his temper with the snap of a finger.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!"his domination voice rings out through the-now dead silent- crowd.

"Okay. As we all are aware of today's haul is a special one. We have a Lot of fucking stuff."he cheers and the crown erupts once more. I slide my way through the crowds of sweat ass body's, knowing whats to come I figure I don't want to be a part of it. As soon as I step over the door frame I hear it. I hear the shouts and struggles as they all launch them selves against the table, grabbing anything with in range.

The way it work here is a nightmare. Cooper gets to take anything he wants before anyone else. As he turns his back and retreats back behind the door. He lets them do whatever with the rest he hadn't claimed. I briefly wonder if any of the things belonged to Eva or Ian, and are now in the hands of these greedy bitch's.

I turn away from the chaos and head to my shared room. But I don't get five step before an arms comes flying in front of me and hits the wall, blocking my path. I look to see Wyatt with his evil smirk, of course it's fucking Wyatt. I really don't want to deal with his shit right now, but I don't think I have a choice.

"I missed you at the raid, you missed it on all the fun."He sneers with evil intent. I just stare back at his empty grey eyes with and emotionless face, But my insides were the complete opposit. One part of me is screaming FUCK! He noticed, And the other says, I really don't a shit.

"Really!? Well I'm honoured that you care Wyatt, truly I am. You have no idea what that means to me."I reply back. Riling him up like this is never a good idea, but I do it anyway, time and time again. It gives me a small spec of pride and enjoyment to see him beet red sometimes.

"Where the fuck did you GO!!"he snaps, his face now only inches from mine as his spit sprays across my face, I literally want to gag right now.

"To the privy sir, am I not allowed to relive myself when I need?."I retort in an innocent, posh British accent. I may be British, but I most certainly am not innocent...or posh for that matter. He literally shakes in rage as his skin goes red and his frown is so deep I swear it should hurt, I can imaging steam shooting out his ears at this point. He dosen't reply, instead his fist comes flying to my head. I doge it just in time and he hits the solid concrete wall with a satisfying crack. he barley grunts at this and turns fro another blow; I just continue to skilfully dodge out the way of his fists. The thing about Wyatt, his Defect, is that he's strong and heals faster than any other defect or human. But he's incredibly slow, incompetent and stupid. Ive studied him for 8 years now, so I know exactly how to handle him, although there is no way I'm getting out of this unscathed.

He goes for my head again in a hook and I duck below it, using this opening I dare to punch hard into his armpit -sadly one of his only weak points- and jump back to avoid his retaliation. Although he tries to hide it, I see the pain written on his face and It gives a certain joy to me. I used to be the punching bag around here, being the weak little child with no power. A human. I was the perfect target. It's was honestly hell; but then I grew up and I got stronger and more built. I beat one dude shitless one time, his face no longer looked like a face anymore. After that I beat others even with their powers, for the way they treated me in the past, the ways they hurt me. Now the only fuckers I have to deal with is Wyatt, Cooper and occasionally Logan as well.

He managed to get in a few hits, and considering his strength they were very powerful blows. But I untimely beat him with his weak points Ive picked up on over the years. He ends up in a ball on the ground as he tries to suppress the pain of his...lower reign, by squeezing his legs together tightly and suppressing himself from wailing like a child. Not going to lie, I took quite a bit myself. My ear is ringing, my lip busted with blood flowing out my noes and multiple places across my body I know is going to bruise badly. On top of that I'm slightly dizzy from a knock to my head. But I shrug it off and proudly step over his body, continuing my way to my shared room.

By the time I get there my noes stopped bleeding, but my head is still throbbing painfully. The room is simple: There are four sets of bunk beds on one half of the room, on the other lay around 15 sleeping bags and mattresses. Between the two sides is the single bathroom, which thankfully some how still has running water, although it's definitely not clean enough to drink unless you have a death wish. There are five rooms in this place like this one, some with less bunks, some with more, and one has non at all. I grab a cloth and wet it a bit in the water before use it to clean the blood and dirt from my face. Then I go to my bunk and flop down on the uncomfortable mattress that has springs sticking out the fucking this. But it beats the floor, its fucking cold so close to the ground sometimes.

The only reason I have a bed is because the last person the sleep on the mattress died about three months ago, so I claimed it before anyone else could. That caused me A LOT of fights, but it was worth it.

Leaving my knives on me, either in a leather case around my waist, or shoved into every available spot such as my pants, boots and sleeves. I take out my favourite knife out and hold it firmly in my grasp before I allow myself to drift off into a restless sleep, even though the day has basically just began.

Short chapter, I know and I apologies. But I thought it best to stop there and leave the rest for the next chapter or this one would be WAAAYYYY too long, like I love longe chapters but this would be insanely long.

Also how do you like hunters character?

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