chapter 19

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I woke up bright and early to get ready as everyone would be back in just a few hours. I slipped on some comfortable clothing and made my way down to the Great Hall to get something to eat. I sat alone like I did every day. Minding my own business as the other students who were left ended up grouping together some, to keep each other company. Early on in the break, a Ravenclaw half-blood asked me to join today but I quickly told them off. Regretting the choice later as they never once looked my way again. It made me feel bad. I didn't mean to be rude to them it was just in my blood but there was no coming back from it.

When the bell struck noon, I made my way out of the castle. Pulling my robe tight over me as I propped the hood up around my face. Walking the path of freshly laid snow as I heard the express pull into the station. She was back. I couldn't wait to see Mary Ann. I picked up my pace a little as I saw the express just up the small staircase. It quickly stopped and I could see students in the window rising to their feet as they all poured out. I walked down the line until I saw Mary Ann hop off the express with her bag in her hand.

"LOTTIE!" She shouted as she ran over towards me. Tackling me into a huge hug. 

"I missed you so much," She cried against my chest as I wrapped my arms back around her.

"I missed you too," I said giving her a quick squeeze. Looking up to see Nora and Becca pass by us as they headed off towards the castle already. Not even stopping to say hello or give hugs. 

"Don't worry about them," Mary Ann said as he pushed herself away. 

"So tell me everything," I said as I threw my arm over her shoulders, taking her bag from her grasp as I carried it for her. Leading her towards the path so we could go back up to the Castle, together. 

"You totally should have been there but Father went on and on about how you were a disappointment to the family. He almost made Mum cry and they spent a lot of nights fighting. But Mum and I did a lot of baking and I was going to send you cookies, I really was, but Father told me no. He threw them away," She cried as he looked up at me.

"That's okay. I had some other treats here at the castle," I smiled down at her, "but maybe we can make some in the kitchen here."

"Please!" She protested.

"Of course. If we are allowed," I cheered back. Looking up from her as I saw Fred climb off the express. His eyes looking my way as we quickly caught each other's gaze. My heart stopped and sank to my stomach. I felt my cheek flush red as the corners of my mouth pointed upwards more. Watching his eyes scan my body before he shot me a quick wink and walking off with George. I looked back down at Mary Ann as my thought became fuzzy. Why did I feel that way when he looked at me? It felt like my heart stopped right there on the platform. Like I couldn't breathe properly. Every nerve in my body was still tingling as I tried to shake off the thought of him. But I couldn't. He was making me feel different and not to mention I had to meet him later on. Merlin, what would I do then?  

Mary Ann and I linked hands as we walked behind groups of students. While Mary Ann was talking to me non-stop my eyes were fixed on the red-headed boy a few feet away from us. Watching him laugh along with his friends he hadn't seen in a while. Noticing the smile on his face as his laughter grew louder each time, making everyone around him laugh as well. His fingers running through his silky locks. His head turned slightly as he was looking towards George as he licked his lips. Merlin, I was getting myself in trouble. 

Once we were all inside the castle, I took Mary Ann to her room and helped her unpack. Putting everything back in its place as she talked with her roommates. All of them giggling around one girl's bed telling stories. I think her name was Faith and the others I couldn't remember but I smiled as I continued to put her things away and treat her like the baby she is. After a few moments, I made my way out of her dorm room and left her to talk to her friends. If Nora or Becca walked in they would have thrown a fit seeing her giggle with half-bloods but I didn't care that much anymore. She deserves to make her own choices, unlike me. It just felt good to see her so happy.

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