chapter 46

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Since running into Nora and Marcus at the store, Fred and I have been more careful about leaving the loft. Most nights we either sat on the couch watching the telly, making dinner with each other, and playing simple card games. It was quite nice actually. Sometimes George would join us for some card games or other nights he would be at Emily's place.

On Friday, I was enjoying the nice quietness around the loft. While I hadn't been working much or helping out with the shop as often I would still go down and sit with Fred during his breaks and take the boys snacks or lunch. But I decided today would be a cleaning day. I put on one of Fred's shirts and my pajama shorts and walked out into the living room.

The place had been pretty messy since I got here and the kitchen was in desperate need of a deep clean. As I walked out of Fred's room, I pulled my hair into a bun and walked over to the radio. I fiddled with the nobs for a hot minute before some music started coming through the speakers. I walked back over to the kitchen as I started to hum along to a song I had heard multiple times. I searched high and low for cleaning supplies. I finally found them in one of the closet all the way in the back untouched, of course, and carried them back into the kitchen counter and got to work.


As I was cleaning the loft I was singing song after song as I had learned, just by listening to them on the radio. I was mid-song as I was scrubbing away at the sink when the music cut out. I turned around to see Fred and George. Fred was over by the radio as George was kicking off his shoes, yet they were both laughing at.

"That was rude Frederick Weasley," I scoulded at him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Come on? You have to admit, it was funny," Fred chuckled.

"You know what's funny? You not getting any for the remainder of the time I am here."

"You wouldn't dare," He said shockingly.

"Put the music back on Weasley, I was almost done," I pointed at him as I turned around finishing up cleaning the sink as Fred came over to my side and kissed my cheek quickly before he joined George over at the cabinets.

"Will you stop eating I am just about to start dinner," I exclaimed as I set everything in my hands down and began to put them away.

"You didn't tell her?" George asked as he looked over to Fred, who shoved a whole bunch of food in his mouth.

"No, I didn't because I told Mum that we weren't coming," Fred said with a mouthful.

"Why not?" George whined at his twin.

"Because, we aren't," Fred answered before I could open my mouth to say anything.

"Fred, they have met Emily and they are perfectly fine with who she is. I am sure they will love Charlotte," George protested as I stood in front of them, "sorry, Lottie."

"It's okay George," I whispered before turning my attention to Fred, "Fred why aren't we going to your parents for dinner?"

"Becasue I wanted to do it separately. I wanted to have you meet them without the rest of my family around, where you might feel out of place."

"Fred you never asked me to know if I would feel out of place," I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I know. The thing is we come from different backgrounds and families. I just want them to get to know you like I know you. Not with all the distractions and noise all around."

"Fred, we can go. I don't mind. It won't be that big of a deal. But if you don't want me to meet your parents then we can stay in."

"It's not that I don't want you to meet them, I do. I just don't know how you feel about it and I wanted to respect your choices and not push you. I just pictured you meeting them differently."

mischievously yours ▫️ f.g.wWhere stories live. Discover now