mr jealous (1)

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Plot : ts about karan being jealous

Preeta :Karan... I am sorry... I will never repeat that mistake again

"I've had enough of your nonsense preeta, this time... You will be punished HARD" karan said making preeta gulp hard. She invited trouble.

An hour earlier:

Awwww shiv , you are so funny" preeta said laughing her heart out at the joke told by Shiv .

"Aree pree, I have another one, do you want to listen??" He asked genuinely interested.

"Go on" she encouraged him.

"So there was this one guy.." He told her yet another tale of his mischief making her laugh her guts out.

"What is going on here??" Came a voice from behind making preeta stiffen her posture and she turned to look at 'Him'

"Hi karan" shiv smiled looking at karan, who was busy glaring at preeta.

"Are... Chill... I was just telling her some tales from my college... I'll see you around.. bye" he immediately got leaving preeta alone with the monster

"What were you doing kitten? Didn't I ask you to stay away from him" he spoke in dangerous tone and she looked down.

"Don't test my patience preeta , answer me when I ask you something??" He said gritting his teeth.

"Vo you were angry with me this morning when you left the house, I was upset, so shiv was just trying to lighten up my mood" she said in a low tone still not meeting his eyes.

"I'll be waiting in the parking lot. Be there in 5 minutes... I'll punish you at home for all the nonsense that happened today" he said and walked out of the canteen angrily making her gulp the lump in her throat.

"You are so dead today preeta ... Be ready to face the Monster" she thought to herself and ran to the parking space as he hated when someone made him wait.



"So tell me what should I do to you so that you will stop disobeying me??" He said walking into the room where preeta was waiting for him in the dress he picked up for her.

"So tell me what should I do to you so that you will stop disobeying me??" He said walking into the room where preeta was waiting for him in the dress he picked up for her

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"Karan" she tried to speak but he cut her off

"What did you just call me??" He growled and she closed her eyes in fear.

"Sorry Master" she replied obediently

"You keep repeating your mistakes every time Kitten..." He t'ched making her squirm under his gaze.

"I'm sorry" she replied in a week tone and he just ignored her.

"Stand up and lay down on the bed" he ordered her and she got up from the floor where she was kneeling initially.

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