N i n t h N i g h t

887 32 2

October 5, 2019

Yongsun’s pov….

The last thing she remembered was Byul tucking her to sleep and then here she was in the dark.


It was so dark that I couldn't see anything, so dark that I felt so small and so dark that I felt like i’m fading away.

I was in nothingness. I looked around trying to find something, anything or someone. Yet,there was nothing, no single soul or breath that I could hear. There was nothing.

I ran and ran and ran. Still having hope I can get out of whatever this is.  Ran to my right, ran to my left but it still brings me back to where i was before.

Or does it?

I can’t really tell because it’s too dark.

I sat on the floor hugging my knees to myself as I lowered my head. Tears cascading down my cheeks as my sobs are getting loud and louder every minute that has passed with only one question in my head.

“Where am i?”

For i don’t know how long, i just sat there like a lost puppy with no owner or no place to call home. Just sat there hoping whatever this is would come to an end and I'll be back in that hospital bed with friends and family waiting for me.

“You really don’t know where you are huh?” a voice suddenly said

I looked up so fast that I thought my neck may be broken by now. Turned around and tried to find the voice but it’s nowhere to be seen by the owner of that voice.

“Who are you?” i as i got up


“I said who are you?!” i shouted this time getting pissed

But again there was nothing… or so i thought

“No need to yell at me like that Yong” the voice said

I looked again everywhere tyto find the source of the voice but unlucky me I found nothing. But that voice sounds familiar.

“You’re just wasting your time Yong… stop turning around for god’s sake, you're making me feel dizzy”

I stopped and stood still, contemplating what I should do next.

“W-who are you?” i asked again but this time i got an answer

“I am you Yong, I am that tiny voice in the back of your head.”

There I started to let that information sink in. Yet I started feeling nauseous and dizzy. Then all of a sudden I can hear a tiny sound.

“Did you hear that?” i asked

“Yes i do and do you know what that is?”

I looked around to find where that sound was coming from. Then again no luck.

“Where is that com-- is that the sound of a heart rate monitor?”

No one answered. Only the beeping sound could be heard.

“If that really is what i think… AM I DYING?” I asked as my eyes got so wide I thought they'll fall off my head.

“You're the only one who knows Yong” the voice said that made me so confused what that means

Before I could say anything a sudden burst of light appeared approximately 20 meters away from where I am currently standing.

“I-is that the exit?”i asked

I was about to head towards the light when suddenly a silhouette of a person appeared. The person was facing her. She waved at her and then just stood there.

Not so long after, another one appeared and stood beside the first person and yet again waved at her.

“Who are you” i asked

They didn’t answer as they just stood there holding hands as the light behind them got bigger and brighter as the time passed by.

“Who are you?” this time i shouted at them eager to get an answer but then again none.

Only the beeping sound was evident at that time.

I attempted to walk closer to them to get to know who they really are but they helped their hand out signalling me to stop so I did.

I was just there as they shook their heads and the second person to arrive said something that I couldn't clearly hear because the beeping sound was getting louder and louder.

“I’ll miss you unnie, take care”

Then they turned their back at her and slowly headed to the light but before they could I realized something.


And then the light swallowed them whole not leaving a trace and she’s back with the dark. She then collapses onto the floor as her tearare now rolling down her cheeks, sobs than before as it matches with the sound.

“Yong it’s time…”

“Noooo” i whispered

“Yong you need to go now”

“They are gone forever right?” i asked


“O-or is this just a nightmare? Please tell me this is just a nightmare and when i wake up they're still there smiling at me as they welcome me in their arms. Please tell me this is just a nightmare please” i beg still having hope that everything i saw was not true.

“Yong i can’t tell you but this i do know…”

I looked up and there I saw another version of myself but a one. She sat down on my level and held my chin up. Shesmiled at me yet her eyes flashed a tint of sadness and grief in them. I was about to question it but she cut me off.

“Yong i’m sorry for y-your lost but it’s time for you to go back…”

I didn’t say a word because I am still processing the things she said. And suddenly, the beeping sound got so much louder that it started to hurt my ears. Then I heard someone…

I heard someone other than the other version of me. This voice is too familiar but I couldn't figure out who’s the owner of the voice.

“Yong it’s time for you to go…” the other version of me said as she hugged me while her tears are now falling on my shoulders.

“Everything will be alright now, i promise” she said

I hugged her back and then everything went black but before i got lost into the darkness i heard that familiar voice say something one last time…

“Come back to me unnie…”

For some, memories might be their treasure that they’ll cherish forever but for others memories are the demons that haunts them every night’


I just wanna thank you all for reading this story and for waiting after those long wait for an update. I'm really sorry about that but yeah we're one chapter left before this story will end. I hope you enjoyed this story tho even though it's kinda lame but yeah lmao Thank you for all of you SARANGHANUUUUUUUUU

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