Stiles knows the Alpha Pack

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Events in this story happen in slightly different timeline than it does in the show. Just to clear thing up so people aren't confused. All the members of the alpha pack are alive, the darach is dead, Scott is a true alpha already and Stiles knows the alpha pack is in town, but doesn't take action until his pack are in imminent danger. I've rambled enough for now so...
ON WITH THE (figurative) SHOW
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The Hale-McCall pack new a few things about Stiles Stilinski to be certain.
1. He was human
2. He was weak, skinny and defenceless
3. He could be very smart if he applied himself, but he makes the stupidest decisions.

Too bad most of it was a lie.

Stiles sat in class debating all the secrets he kept in his life. He had wanted to tell Scott when he first got bit, but then rouge Peter delayed those plans, and then kanima Jackson halted his plans, and now he felt that he had kept it a secret so long that he couldn't let it out. He knew he had to, but he felt like everyone would hate him for hiding it from them. He also knew that if he didn't tell them if might get kicked out of the pack for being the "weak human" who always got in the way. But if he did tell them he might be perceived as a threat and kicked out anyway. He released a long self-suffering sigh, thinking back to they days when his life was less hectic and his mom was alive. Hell, even the years after my moms death was less hectic than my life is now he thought before getting pulled into multiple flashbacks.
The first, was of his mom. It was before her illness, and she was singing and dancing without a care in the world. Stiles was thought next to her, also dancing and the sheriff was just sitting, laughing as he watched his son and wife interact. Claudia picked up Stiles and spun him around in the air before pulling him into a hug, whispering in his ear how much she loved him.
The second was shortly after his mother died. It was the first time he lost control. Noah had just gotten back from a particularly bad day at work and Stiles wouldn't shut up. Scott had been sick and hadn't been able to go to school so Stiles had no way to release his pent up energy, and he was excited to see his dad because he had worked a double shift the night before and Stiles barely saw him. It was a little over an hour of constant chatter later that Noah finally snapped.
"STILES" He hollered "I don't care, just please, shut up"
Noah knew he shouldn't shouldn't have said it, but he was almost too tired and frustrated to care. Almost
Stiles on the other hand, was breaking. He was filled with sadness before rage coursed through him. He suddenly had brown fur with black dots on his face, a black nose and rounded furry ears on top of his head. The eyes were the most shocking part. They were bright alpha red, rimmed with a neon amethyst purple. Noah was shocked for a minute before jumping into action to try to calm his son down.
After successfully calming Stiles down, and profuse apologizing on both of their parts, the sheriff explained exactly what happened to the suddenly panicking young boy.
Claudia had been a were-cheetah, an Alpha at that, but with no pack other than Noah and Stiles. She had lots of supernatural friends, and hung out with a lot of different packs, be didn't really have one of her own.
Noah was from a line of were-bears, but something in the genetics of his ancestors to only allow every other generation to acquire powers for some reason.
He explained that bears had the strongest noes of any animal (or were-creature ), had the most physical strengthens were extremely intelligent. He also told him about the superior speed, eyesight and hearing of the cheetah. He explained everything he knew about the supernatural (which was quite a lot, along with every story he knew) and how Alphas in certain species (like bears and cheetahs) were selected by some greater force by who would be the best Alpha for the pack, the instead of killing the previous Alpha like wolves. Stiles, being the only living - supernatural - family of both his mother and his grandfather (who was also an Alpha) inherited both of their alpha powers.

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