Stiles is a rich genius!

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A/N: Sorry for the wait, not my best chapter. More detailed note at the bottom.

Standing in the door of the loft, Stiles felt a deep pain in his chest, that was begging to take over his body. He wouldn't let it take over, so he just stood there and accepted his fate. He knew it was coming, had heard them arguing on the way up, and had felt himself be excluded more and more, but that didn't make it any easier.

"You're a useless and pathetic human who's almost gotten all of us killed multiple times. Your plans are terrible and your research skills are even worse. You're out of the pack. Leave. And don't think about coming near us or talking to us or you WILL regret it." Scott raged at him. He hung his head and left, no quick comeback or sarcastic came to his tongue in this situation. As he walked away, he didn't see Liam whimper and press himself farther into the corner, or Lydia announce that she was leaving the pack too, before holding her head high and proudly walking out the door.

After a long and tearful car ride home, Stiles immediately collapsed onto his bed, and cried for what felt like hours. He knew he was being a pussy, crying his heart out like that, but afterwards he felt better, like he could finally let go of all the emotions and bonds he'd worked so hard to keep from snapping. Don't take that the wrong way though, he still felt like absolute sh*t, but felt like he was at a point he could move on. He made his way towards the one place that he knew he be able to get the help he needed, and be the real him.

When he made it to his fathers office, he went to the bookcase, moved a photo out of the way, before pressing a certain pattern on the bricks of the wall behind, before descending into the room below. He remembered when he first found this passageway. His mom and dad were both at work, and it was his first time home alone. He had been going through his dads stuff when he noticed faded symbols on the wall behind his dads favourite photograph. After moving the photo, and pressing the symbols to his hearts content, the bookshelf and the wall behind it suddenly swung inward,  - not unlike a doggie door people with pets have, he noted - revealing a staircase that lead downwards. Being the curious 7 year old kid he was, he went down without the slightest hint of hesitation. What he saw, changed his world forever.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs,he saw a large room, with a medium sized bar in the back left corner, with dozens and dozens of bottles of alcohol on a rack on the wall, and after more investigating he learned that the cupboards were also filled with different types of alcohol. The back right corner of the room had a hallway extending out away from the stairs, that had two doors on the right, and one on the left. The left door held a massive bathroom, - seriously, the bathtub was the size of a hot tub! - the first door on the right held an office - which was much bigger than his dads home office was, he was pretty sure it was bigger than his dads work office - with anything an office person could ever need, and the second door on the right was an ensuite bedroom that was the size of the entire top floor of the house. The main room of the basement had a hundred and fifty inch 3D flatscreen TV propped on the wall in front of a large round modern couch. The TV system was also set up with every gaming system, game and TV app ever made, all already fully paid for for the most premium version. On top of that, their was a really fluffy carpet the floor, and bean bags spread out all over the room.

In the bedroom, the king size bed sat in the centre of the room against the far wall. On the wall left of the bed there was a big 'window' that was controlled by a remote and worked like a tv, but was live streams of cities or places in nature. The ceiling was similar, but it just displayed a copy of the sky, which made napping very hard in the day time, even though he was technically underground. On the left sided the door, but the same wall that the door sits on, was a desk, that he didn't know why he needed cause he had an office not even 20 meters to his left (or right, depending on which way your facing). On the right wall to his bed, was the biggest closet he'd ever seen. It was at least three times as big as his room upstairs, with multiple aisles, filled with every type of clothes imaginable, from leather to plaid to graphic tees to suits. The clothes managed to fit him how he wanted then, and still do now (baggy), almost as if they grew with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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