Chapter 11

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A/N: If you guys have read my warnings about Wattpad messing up with the order of this book's chapter, then let me tell ya guys something... THIS particular chapter has been (and still is) visiting (whether placed before or after) chapter 8 for some unknown reason and I'm fearing that this chapter will end up visiting the other chapters too. Next thing I know, I'll might as well see this chapter gone and moved out of the book to explore my other ones... *Sigh* If this chapter isn't in its rightful place, just skip it and keep on going according to the correct order. Enjoy the chapter!❤️


In the morning, Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling followed by 7 disciples, were in a forest a bit aways from between Lanling and Yunmeng (Lanling was closer tho) on their horses looking for the two missing people. They even brought an extra horse for them to ride on together since Jiang Cheng disapproved of the idea of Lady Lan riding alone on a horse. Lan Xichen and his Lan disciples stayed back at Jin Clan until their return; Xichen had a feeling he needed to be there for some reason, until he finds out what the reason is, he's staying there. Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling were just talking and discussing the plans on what to do if finding one of them or the both of them along with the enemy, until...

*Shrub shrub*

They stopped when sensing a presence behind the bushes, only for both Wen Ning AND Lan Zhēn to pop out of them.

Jiang Cheng/Jin Ling: "Princess!"

Wen Ning: "Shh! We need to run! The Leader of the gang might already know the Princess escaped!"

Jiang Cheng nodded, understanding the situation and deciding to keep the questions for last. Jiang Cheng gave them the extra horse they've brought in case they found them, but Wen Ning stopped Jiang Cheng and told him that it would be best if she was riding a horse with either Childe Jin or with him (Jiang Cheng), since being with him (Wen Ning) would only make her a bigger target. Having no time to discuss further of this, Jiang Cheng agreed and let her ride with Jin Ling, her being at front while Jin Ling in the back, that way she's more secured (Jin Ling still controlled the horse though). After this being decided, Wen Ning helped her unto the same horse as Jin Ling, he mounted the extra horse, and they all quickly left... But it didn't take long until gang members started arriving little by little leaping tree to tree.

With weapons in hand, the disciples protected their Leaders and Wen Ning (he also fought) with all their might.

Lan Zhēn: "Clan Leader Jiang! *Gets his attention* There's an old man within them that can sense people's cores, in other words, the enemy knows where we are and where we are going. If we don't come up with a strategy, he might confuse us somehow and get us trapped."

Jiang Cheng got tense at this information. How would they go back to the Clan then?

Jin Ling: "Uncle! Remember the shortcut we found recently? The cave? Wouldn't that make it difficult for him to sense us?"

Lan Zhēn: "Perfect! The cave will block the signals and vibrations that our cores give to him."

Jiang Cheng: "But the cave isn't that long! It's just a shortcut so we wouldn't go around the mountain! Plus, if we keep getting attacked this way, it would be too dangerous! The cave isn't stable enough for a single dinamite!"

Lan Zhēn thought deeply while the disciples kept fighting hard against the enemy. Her eyes then widened and gleamed, a plan in her mind.

Lan Zhēn: "Let's go to the cave! I've got a plan!"

Jiang Cheng: "But it's not-!"

Lan Zhēn (desperate): "Trust me!"

Jiang Cheng was hesitant, after all, he was risking not only his life, but everyone else's. Jin Ling watched his Uncle think and then the road to the cave nervously/desperately as they all neared the two separate roads. Time is running out and Jiang Cheng hasn't made up his mind.

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