Chapter 2: Taking him home

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Katsuki Pov:

Once we were done discussing Izuku's condition we were led to a huge craft room that seemed like it could be mistaken as a store. Izuku was in the corner fiddling with two needles and yarn. "What is he doing?" Kiri asked looking over at Emma. "He is knitting; it's the one thing that calms him. He enjoys it very much." she smiled at us then walked us over to him. I was trying not to be overly excited so I didn't scare him but I couldn't help my pheromones as some leaked out. "Izuku look who is here... they are taking you home today." Izuku looked up at us, his eyes widened. He seemed frightened, his body began to shake. "Hey Izu.." Kiri said getting closer but then Izuku started to cry. Water left his eyes but no noise came out of his mouth. " why the hell is he crying?" I asked looking at Emma. "He must be overwhelmed. He hasn't been near an alpha in three years your scents are too much," she stated having both of us back up a little. Damn this is going to take a lot of self-control. " So how are we supposed to take him home or have him in high school if he cries just by us getting too close?" I asked generally curious about how this whole damn thing is going to work. " Well it's going to take time, let him get used to you again and be patient. It will be hard but if we want him back to his old self you need to work with him. As for school, don't push it, see how he does the first few days if he can't do it, don't get disheartened or angry. There is always online school or hybrid classes." I looked at Kiri and he was just staring at Izuku with this sorrowful look. I know he wants Izuku back home to his normal self as bad as I do. "So when do we get to take him home?" Kiri asked. "Let us just talk to Izuku and pack up his room then you can sign him out. Before that may I ask what precautions and setup you have created for him at home?" Dr.Ivan asked. "Well we just moved into a four-bedroom, 2 bath apartment so he will have his own bathroom, his room is a little bigger than the one here, and the spare room is an office space that if needed to can be turned into his school space," Kiri told him I just nodded. "Yes and we also know that while he was in your care he started his heats so we also put a heat safety system inside his room and a speaker system in the walls so when he is in heat he won't feel trapped," I stated knowing that they would ask about that next. "Excellent!" Dr. Iven said then walked everyone back to the waiting area. They wanted to let Izuku have some time to talk and pack without feeling anxious. In the waiting room, Dr. Iven handed Kiri Izuku's medications and a heat collar. "Here are all of Izuku's meds; they have instructions on how to take them on the bottles and here is his heat collar." "Why a collar and not suppressants?" Kiri asked. To be honest I was wondering the same thing. "Suppressants won't work with his other meds and the heat collar is safer for him. It gives him a sense of security." I can understand that but I worry how people are going to be around him when he wears it. I mean people can be hateful expectantly alphas. We waited for a few minutes talking with Dr. Iven some more while Izuku was finishing packing. "We are here!..." Emma announces coming around the corner with Izuku alongside her. "Hey, you ready to go, buddy?" Kiri asked, looking at the timid little omega that is now the shell of what he once was. Izuku nodded his head and Kiri walked over signing the papers that he needed to take Izuku home. I on the other hand walked over taking Izuku's stuff and started to head to the car. I heard faint footsteps behind me I looked back seeing Izuku following suit weak-kneed with his hands up to his mouth. When I get to the car he is still a few steps away and I watch as he approaches with anxiety. "It's ok Izuku we are going home don't be scared." I soothed making sure my voice was of that same volume and gentleness that the nurse had used to talk to him. He nodded his head then once he was at the car he looked up at me. I opened the trunk putting his things in first then I walked over opening the door for him his eyes widened at the fact the door went up instead of out like normal cars. After we got in and I started the car Kiri came out and joined us in the car. "So do you bros want to grab food first or go straight home?" Kisi asked trying to be joyful. "I don't care, want about you Izuku?" I looked back at Izuku and he was just staring at us. "Um... Oh, I know Izu when we ask you something you can just write it down on a notepad or something." Kiri said which for a change was smart. " we can stop by the dollar store and the McDonalds on the way home." I suggested they both nodded and I drove off. 

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