Chapter 14: Alpha's input on omegas

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Third Person Pov:

Kirishima took Kaminari to Izuku's room knocking on the door for the omega to come and let them in. When Izuku opened the door to see it was his brother and his friend he nervously opened thinking he was in trouble. "Hey, little bro can Kami stay with you for a bit? Don't worry it turns out he is an omega like you." Izuku just stared at his brother then nodded not knowing what to say. Kaminari walked into the room taking in all the omegan wonders. You see Kaminari comes from a family that hates omegas and doesn't like him since he is one so he doesn't get the luxury of having omegan things. Izuku knowing that Kami is an omega finds it comfortable to talk to him, " wh..hat w.a..nt to He stuttered, Kaminari couldn't understand at first but then he walked over grabbing Izuku's whiteboard and asked for him to write it out. Izuku wrote what he wanted to ask and Kami smiled, "How about we get to know each other through those whiteboard games we did in elementary?" Izuku liked the Idea, he wouldn't have to talk and it would distract them from what was going on outside the room. With the alphas in the living room on the other hand was nothing but talking turned into shouting. "So lay it out what is it about Omegas that you guys hate so much?" Katsuki asked his so-called friends as they sat back down. They looked at each other for a moment and then Mina spoke up first, "I just think that omegas take things for granted you know." Katsuki was going to protest until Sero chimed in. "Yea and now that that omega safe act law is passed alphas can't even look at omegas without getting in trouble." after that comment Kirishima walked in with a comment of his own that shut them right up. "Really they are so privileged huh have you ever wondered why Kami never told us he was an omega or why I hid Izuku from you?" Katsuki looked at Kirishima with a frown knowing where this was going. "Because Kami knew that we can't stand omegas and you hid your brother because face it Kiri you are ashamed of him," Todoroki stated, this pissed Katsuki off. "Have you ever questioned why we have the omega safe act laws now in the first place half and half?" Todoroki scuffed and the others just looked at Katsuki. Kirishima was unfazed by Todoroki's comment because, to be honest on some level Kirishima was ashamed of Izuku. But not because he was an omega but because he became so helpless without an alpha. "You know nothing about Izuku and yea ok I am ashamed but not because he's an omega but because I left him alone for 7 years to fend for himself making him weak without an alpha." Kirishima protested to Todoroki. Katsuki took what Kirishima said the wrong way to Katsuki, Izuku was beyond weak. He was strong and dealing with so much. "You keep going on about how devastating your brother's life was when we all know that he was probably papered like the rest of the omegas nowadays." Mina smeared. Katsuki at that point blew a gasket, " YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!! HE HAS BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH I DON'T EVEN THINK I WOULD BE ABLE TO STAY SANE!!!" the outburst frightened the others in the room. Kirishima butted in with the story of when they rescued Izuku. "Let me tell you all something. It is about when I and Bakugou came home one afternoon early from little luge and found mine and Izuku's father rapping Izuku on our living room table."

Flashback 18+ warning rape and abuse can skip -

Kirishima and Katsuki had been told that practice would be cut short due to reasons and they could go home early. So both boys grabbed their things and walked home not thinking anything of it. Kirishima called home to let someone know that they were on their way home early but no one answered. When they get to the front door they both hear crying and can smell omegan distress pheromones. They rush in knowing that something was wrong with Kirishima's younger stepbrother Izuku. When they do they are met with the sight of poor little Izuku bent over the coffee table all bruised and bloody with his so-called father over him. It was apparent that his father's manhood was inside of Izuku. What the two young alphas were witnessing was an adult male alpha sexually and physically abusing an omega child. Kirishima lost it, still having his baseball bat in hand ran over to the scene, and began beating his father with the bat. Katsuki ran to Izuku making sure that he wasn't too badly hurt but what Kastuki saw he would never unsee. Izuku covered chest to the thigh in bites, bruises, nail, and handprints, it was also evident that he was bleeding from his entrance. Katsuki held the small omega and cried with him. After Kirishima had knocked his father out cold he called the police and went to Izuku's side with Katsuki.

End of Flashback -

Still Third Person Pov:

Everyone excluding Bakugou was looking at Kirishima wide-eyed, having nothing else to say to the two alphas. Katsuki had to leave the room so as to not cry in front of the others. He walked to Izuku's room needing to embrace his omega. When he gets to the door he hears something he never thought he would hear again. Izuku was laughing. Giggling and laughing outbursts could be overheard from both the omegas through the door and the tears that Katsuki wanted to shed depleted to nothing. He smiled and returned to the group just to see Sero and Todoroki leave. Mina on the other hand walked up to Katsuki and Kirishima and apologized stated that she was wrong and she would still like to be friends with them. Kirishima told her it would take time to forgive but that it was possible, she smiled and left just as that others did. Katsuki turned to Kirishima with the widest smile he could muster which confused Kirishima, "what's up?" he asked Katsuki. Katsuki said nothing taking Kirishima by the arm leading him to the sound of happy laughing omegas. "Holy shit Is Little bro really laughing? I thought I would never hear that again." Kirishima began to cry tears of happiness same as Katsuki.

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