Chapter 5: (The Talk)

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Katsuki Pov:

We got home from the shopping trip and after we all got settled back into our own things I started making dinner. That's when I looked over to see My precious omega setting up his own space in the living room. It was something seeing him in that damn craft store it was like taking a kid to a candy store. What I would give to keep that smile on his face and that sparkle in his eyes. After some time I noticed a presents in the Kitchen with me. It was Izuku. I guess he wants to keep me company since dinner isn't ready yet. I left him be for a few moments until I remembered that while we were in the Omega store he got a heat cycle calendar. That is something that we need to go over and talk about. I turn to him " Hey Deku, can you bring your new heat calendar out here so we can talk about it?" It took him a second but he nodded then went off to his room. When he got back he had his calendar and took a seat at the islander. " Okay Izuku lesson this is important, when is your next heat?" I asked trying not to embarrass him but make sure that I sounded serious. "Next weekend it normally lasts 5 days why?" he wrote on his whiteboard. "Because it's something that I need to know along with Kiri so when he gets in here after dinner we are going to talk about what is going to happen during your heats and about other things, if that is ok I don't want to make you uncomfortable." he just looked at me blank-faced but then wrote something on his whiteboard. "Is my heat a problem? Do I have to go back?" what the hell "No Izuku your heats aren't a problem it's natural and no you never have to go back to the mental hospital unless you feel like you need it." he gave me a sad smile and nodded his head. It made my heart ache knowing how little he thought of himself and how quickly he is to assume the worst. Kiri finally finished building the furniture and joined us in the kitchen. "Hey bros what's going on?" He asked taking a seat next to Izuku. "Dinner is ready then after we are having a family talk about Izuku's heats and such." I stated as I began to plate the food. We ate and throughout dinner it was extremely quiet with an uneasiness. After Izuku tried to get up from the table but I snatched his hand preventing him from running away. "No Izuku, this is important now please put your calendar on the table and I will put the dishes up Kiri you go grab a pen and one of the notebooks we bought." I said then I proceeded to take the dishes to the sink. Once we were all at the table again with all the things we needed I started the uncomfortable conversation. "Ok so Izuku your next heat is next weekend right?" he nodded while blushing. "Are they regular, meaning always the second weekend of every three months or not?" god I felt like I'm a mother talking to her teen about their sex life. "They are regular," he wrote. "Good now how do you handle your heats normally?" he looked nervous and flustered. I couldn't blame him, this had to be embarrassing. "I..I um.. I" what the hell is he trying to talk to us. "OMG IZU THAT'S IT COME ON YOU CAN DO IT!!!" Kiri squealed all excitedly. Without a doubt scaring Izuku a little but can you really say anything? I mean Izuku is trying to talk for the first time in three fucking years. But sadly that was little lasted as he gave up and just wrote it down instead. "I tend to nest, like sweets along with gatorade and water to be available for me, and I was wondering if I can have some of your hoodies to wear during them?" I was shocked he asked such a thing. He has have started getting some sense of courage to ask for our hoodies. We both couldn't help but notice his face get redder by the minute from embarrassment. He is too innocent and pure for this world. "Sure thing, Now I know you don't tend to be you know sexually active" I stated but before I could say what I wanted to next I looked at him and saw his pupils get really small and his body shrinks into his seat. What the hell was happening all of a sudden a huge amount of fear and distress pheromones were expelled from Izuku. He started to shake bad and he began to dig his nails into his skin. "IZU STOP!!!" Kiri screamed, taking hold of Izuku's arms. "I'll go get his PTSD meds and some water." I said running to the kitchen getting just that. When I got back Izuku was in tears and was rocking back and forth with his hands still in Kiri's. "Here Izuku take this." I handed his pills to him and gave him a sip of water. "Better?" I asked sitting back down. After a moment he nodded. "Sorry," he wrote. "It's ok you just scared us, was that a panic attack?" he nodded again then asked for me to finish what I was going to say, writing it down on his whiteboard. "You sure? Ok now as I was saying do you want us to take you to an omega heat store to get you toys or anything?" he shook his head no and wrote something down getting really fumble with the marker in the process. "I don't want to feel something like that ever again. It's scary toys hurt too. They aren't fun, they don't make me feel good at all." I looked at Kirishima and he understood, "Izu have you ever played with sex toys?" Kiri asked, making my stomach uneasy. "Father liked to use them when he couldn't you know..." I just stared at the whiteboard for a moment then back at Kirishima. "Ok Izuku just one more question and we can go into the living room and you can knit ok?" he nodded looking hurt. "Your heat collar are you ok wearing it in public or do you want to stay home for your heats during school?" his eyes got so big. "I..I..I He did it even with stuttering he asked a question with his voice!!! 

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