participant forms

196 14 95

You may only submit one form in either poetry or one-shots! The first form submitted will be the one that's accepted. All forms must be an inline comment on the line that says inline comment here. If you're judging poetry, you can be a participant in one-shots, and vice versa, but you cannot judge and participate in the same genre.


1. WP username:

2. Book name:

3. Poetry or One-Shots:

4. No. of chapters:

5. Mature/LGBTQ+ and elaborate if yes:

6. Four poems you'd like read:

7. Password:

8. Tags (5+):

Inline comment here -->


1. WP username:

2. Book name:

3. Poetry or One-Shots:

4. No. of chapters:

5. Mature/LGBTQ+ and elaborate if yes:

6. Four one-shots you'd like read:

7. Password:

8. Tags (5+):

Inline comment here -->

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