The calm before the storm.

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Naruto and his team were heading towards Kumo after completing their mission, naruto for some reason had a bad feeling " What's wrong naruto?" amoi asked looking at his friend's worried face, naruto just looked at amoi and sighed " It's nothing, I am just having a feeling that something bad is about to happen" naruto said as everyone looked at him, It will still take them 2 days to reach Kumo. 

Meanwhile in Kumo.

Two figures with a black cloak with red clouds on it wearing a straw hat were searching for someone " How long, will it take for us to reach my sacrifice for the mission" asked one of the figures. " We are almost there and don't kill her Hidan remember she is a jinchuriki and we have to capture her alive," said kakazu as Hidan just growled. After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived at a cave " So this is the place that Zetsu said that we will find her" Hidan asked as kakazu nodded. They went inside the cave to see yugito training all by herself, Yugito noticed the two figures and saw the black cloak and red clouds she knew exactly who they were " So you have finally decided to show yourself Akatsuki" yugito spat. ( I am too lazy to write the battle so just know that yugito loses and is captured just like canon).

"Lord raikage, "a chunin said bursting into the raikage's office. The raikage looked at him and told him to continue " Our ninjas saw two people with a black cloak with red clouds carrying yugito our ninja tried to stop them but failed " Ay clenched his fist " So they have finally come for yugito, for all times for bee and naruto to be out on a mission" he thought. Ay then looked at the chunin and said " Send our tracking team to track them and take some anbu with you so that they can be stalled until I send bee or naruto over there" Ay said in a tone that left no room for argument, the chunin nodded and went on their mission. 

Hidan and kakazu were walking towards the Akatsuki hideout with Hidan carrying yugito on his shoulder " Oi kakazu, who do you think will go after the nine tails" Hidan asked, Kakazu just looked at him and said " I think it will be aisu and Kisame since aisu is even stronger then-leader-sama it would be good to send him after the nine tails" kakazu said as Hidan grunted " Why can't we go, why does that red hair dragon bastard have to go after the nine tails" Hidan asked, Kakazu just sighed " Hidan we maybe be strong but we are no match for the fourth Hokage and aisu and leader-sama are the only one who can take him on, Leader-sama might loose but aisu will surely win there is no one who can defeat him he has the legendary dragon contract and full mastery over dragon's fang" kakazu said honestly as Hidan went silent, they both were going until they sensed some chakra " Looks like they have sent a tracking team and some anbu" kakazu thought as he dodged a kunai aimed towards his head.

Kakazu looked at the ninja's and then looked at Hidan and said " You go, I have to recover one of my heart that I lost against the two tails" kakazu said as he wanted to get his lightning heart back Hidan didn't argue and went with the two tails, after that, it was a massacre where kakazu killed all the ninja and anbu with one of the tracking ninja managing to escape.

Naruto and his team arrived at the cloud and went towards the raikage's office. 

" Hey, dad the mission was a success" naruto said then a saw the look on Ay's face and knew something was wrong. Ay looked at naruto completely serious " Naruto dod you think you can go on an S rank mission right at this moment" ay said, Naruto didn't understand but nodded since they walked towards Kumo instead of teleporting, " Then I assign you to a mission to retrieve yugito from the Akatsuki". Ay said 

Sorry guys this chapter is short but I am really busy and I will not be able to write any chapter this week but from the next week I will try to upload 2 chapters. I hope you guys liked this chapter

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